cristianbuse / VBA-UserForm-MouseScroll

Use the Mouse Scroll Wheel to scroll VBA UserForms and Controls
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Unexpected error (35010) in SOLIDWORKS #41

Closed kaz4ikeda closed 3 months ago

kaz4ikeda commented 4 months ago

As always, I simply put MouseScroll and MouseOverControl into my SOLIDWORKS (SW) macros and added EnableMouseScroll Me in UserForm_Initilalize. After that I sometimes (not every time) get the compilation error 35010 right after I run the macros. The macros are a file-conversion macro which is rather complicated and a simple open-drawing macro. Some symptoms are:

I think discovered the following workarounds:

This issue may be closely related to Issue #27, but the symptom is slightly different, so I open it as a separate issue.

This error has a random nature and I can't control the occurrence, but I hope some insight will be obtained.

cristianbuse commented 4 months ago

Could possibly be related to this

Could you check the VBA version? In the VBA IDE (VBE) go to Help and then About Visual Basic for Applications 7.1 Mine looks like this: image

It seems 1131 is the trouble version while others say that this has been fixed in version 1133.

Not sure if this is relevant for SOLIDWORKS though

cristianbuse commented 4 months ago

Could you please add one line to the GetCallbackPtr method and then test? Simply change this:

Private Function GetCallbackPtr() As LongPtr
    Dim ptr As LongPtr: ptr = VBA.Int(AddressOf MouseProc)

to this:

Private Function GetCallbackPtr() As LongPtr
    Sin 1 'Dummy call to force compiler to 'see' the correct address
    Dim ptr As LongPtr: ptr = VBA.Int(AddressOf MouseProc)
kaz4ikeda commented 4 months ago

I can use SOLIDWORKS only in my office. I will try your suggestion on Monday and report the results.

My VBA version at home is 1136: image and I've never seen the error 35010 at home.

kaz4ikeda commented 4 months ago

VBA version of SW is 1096 (embedded in SW): image

VBA version of Excel is 1128: image

Both of them are before 1133.

The error 35010 occured when I used the file-conversion macro even the Sin 1 line is inserted beforehand. I clicked OK button, then VBA editor showed the following line: image

Then I stopped the compilation by Reset button. Restarting the file-conversion macro caused the error again. Next, I compiled whole code by the compile command in the debug menu. Then the macro successfully executed.

cristianbuse commented 4 months ago

Thanks @kaz4ikeda

Do you have 'Compile on Demand' turned on by any chance, in Options/General?

Also, please try this:

kaz4ikeda commented 4 months ago

Yes, 'Compile on Demand' is turned on (as a default setting). If this option is turned off, another frequently using macro fails to run. This macro is created by the company's SW-managing division and password protected. Maybe It has a coding mistake somewhere in its code. So I want to go with it turned on, if possible. (It would be nice if there was a way to turn it off programmatically.)

I will try your additional suggestion tomorrow.

cristianbuse commented 4 months ago

If this option is turned off, another frequently using macro fails to run

πŸ˜† never heard that before

I will try your additional suggestion tomorrow.


kaz4ikeda commented 4 months ago

Hi, @cristianbuse

The second try also didn't work: 20240514_1805_00306_Microsoft_Visual_Basic_for_Applications_-_図青γ‚ͺープン2_ I also tried resuming Sin 1 with DummyMethod but to no avail.

Is your intention to correct the alignment of the stack memory? Any other idea for workaround?

Maybe I should: ask the SW-managing division member to remove the compile-time bug of the must-use macro and turn on 'Compile on Demand', or use "debug -> compile" after the error 35010 occurs once every several times of macro run. But compilation before execution may not be perfect resolution.

cristianbuse commented 4 months ago

Thanks @kaz4ikeda for testing!

'Compile on Demand' should be off as it leads to many side effects.

What version of SolidWorks are you using?

kaz4ikeda commented 4 months ago

OK, I will make an effort for 'Compile on Demand' to be off. SW version is 2023. I don't know why the version of the embedded VBE7 is somewhat old. (πŸ˜ͺ It's time to sleep...)

kaz4ikeda commented 3 months ago

That was my error. SW I'm using is 2022.

kaz4ikeda commented 3 months ago

Thank you @cristianbuse. Following your suggestion, I asked them to debug the must-use macro and the work has done today. Now I'm using SW with VBA macro fully compiled before execution every time. One minor problem is that it has revealed that VBA editor option is shared with Excel. So If all users turns 'Compile on Demand' off, hidden bugs of many Excel macro will explode πŸ˜† .

Anyway, I will continue to benefit from your MouseScroll modules hereafter.

cristianbuse commented 3 months ago


So If all users turns 'Compile on Demand' off, hidden bugs of many Excel macro will explode πŸ˜† .

πŸ˜† I know - it's a mess in any other company. I recently rewrote a financial model and got it's execution speed from 2 minutes down to 100 milliseconds. Not to mentioned fixed logic bugs that make you doubt humanity 🀣

kaz4ikeda commented 3 months ago

Wow, drastic speed up! Using your MemoryTools?

I have been interested in that because one of my macro faced the speed problem of CopyMemory in a subclassing callback function of MonthCalendar API. I regenerate a object from its ObjPtr value and I had to take a workaround using a static object variable to reduce the usage of CopyMemory. The workaround works well but I had to prepare "Clear" method which makes the object Nothing. Remaining static object makes a program unstable.

If I can take some time to rewrite the macro (maybe not soon), I will try your MomoryTools πŸ˜ƒ .

cristianbuse commented 3 months ago

Using your MemoryTools?

No. Nothing that advanced. It was just poor quality code, with unnecessary loops, bad logic and lack of knowledge.

I have been interested in that because one of my macro faced the speed problem of CopyMemory

MemoryTools is only useful if you have many API calls.

The workaround works well but I had to prepare "Clear" method which makes the object Nothing

MemoryTools has a MemObj method which dereferences the pointer while keeping a correct reference count.

If the pointer is for a VBA class (i.e. you have a class module for it) then use the WeakReference repository for full safety.

kaz4ikeda commented 3 months ago

Thanks for the advice! I'll make use of them.