cristophermoen / StructuralDynamics

Lecture notes for EN 560.630 Structural Dynamics in the Department of Civil and Systems Engineering, Johns Hopkins University
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HW2 Question #1

Open apolicow opened 4 years ago

apolicow commented 4 years ago


I hope your work trip is going well. We had a question regarding HW 2 we'd like to ask. We used the "SpringMassRandom" code to model the homework and are getting a little confused with our results. As shown in the attached screenshot, the graph of force vs time does not exactly look random. Even though we are passing the random function "rand()" through this code, it still seems to have a steady state and transient response plot. Based on the video, we counted cycles over time and did the math to get wn = 8.9 rad/sec. Since the pole is moving at its natural frequency, we know the angular velocity of the wind (w) is very close to equaling wn. Therefore, we input w=8 rad/sec into the Julia code. What is the best way to model the forcing function to truly make it random? My code is included below. Thank you

Screen Shot 2020-02-11 at 1 00 27 PM

define Julia ODE package that we will use as solver

using OrdinaryDiffEq

define constants

m=100 #kg g=9.8 #m/sec^2 Tn=0.706 #seconds fn=1/Tn ωn=2pifn #radians/second

k=ωn^2*m #N/m

ζ=0.005 #viscous damping ratio ccr=2mωn #critical viscous damping coefficient c=ζ*ccr #viscous damping coefficient, units of kg/sec.

μ=0 #friction coefficient N=mg #normal force F=μN #friction force

calculate frequency and period

ωn=sqrt(k/m) #radians per second fn=ωn/(2*pi) #cycles per second Tn=1/fn #period, seconds

forcing function

a=1278.9 #N ω=8 #radians/sec.

write equation of motion

function SpringMassDamperEOM(ddu,du,u,p,t) m, k, c, a, ω, F = p

#make the forcing function random
r=rand()   #generates a random number from a uniform distribution [0,1]

#harmonic forcing function

#friction damping
if du[1]>0

ddu[1] = -c/m*du[1] - k/m*u[1] + pt/m -F*SignF/m


solver controls

dt=0.001 #seconds totalt=36 #seconds

define initial conditions

uo=0.1 #meters duo=0.0 #m/sec.

solve the ODE

prob = SecondOrderODEProblem(SpringMassDamperEOM, [duo], [uo], (0.,totalt), (m, k, c, a, ω, F)) sol = solve(prob, DPRKN6(),tstops=0:dt:totalt)

separate out u(t),du(t), and t from solution

du=first.(sol.u) u=last.(sol.u) #angular velocity t=sol.t

plot results

using Plots #start Julia plot package plot(t,u,linewidth=1, xaxis="t [sec.]",yaxis="u [meters]", legend=false)

cristophermoen commented 4 years ago

Hi Aaron,

Everything is looking reasonable to me. You are seeing vibration primarily at the natural frequency. Slight changes in the damping ratio, or in omega (the forcing function) change the response. If I set w=wn for example, you see resonance and deformation growth to a constant, even with the random forcing function. If I make w=1 rad/sec, you can see the transient and steady state response. Also, if I change the damping ratio, the response can vary significantly.

I think your specific plot is showing the influence of the random load, not a transient response riding on a steady state response. You can become more comfortable with your results by studying some benchmarking problems like those in Chopra Fig. 3.2.5.
