criteo / ios-publisher-sdk

Criteo Publisher SDK for iOS
Apache License 2.0
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Loading bid for mixed banner/native adUnitId #231

Open hispanico94 opened 3 years ago

hispanico94 commented 3 years ago


My team is working on integrating Criteo on an iOS and an Android app, using Google Ad Manager as the ad server. We encountered an issue where we are not sure on how to proceed. I will be referring to the iOS SDK but this also applies to Android.

The advertising team provided us with several GAM adUnitIds and some of them supports both native and banner ads. Using Criteo we should load a bid using one of this "combined" (native & banner) adUnitIds with the expectation that, after enriching the GAMRequest with the returned bid from loadBid(for:responseHandler:) and using that for requesting an ad from Google, Google will return a single ad, that might be either banner or a native, depending on the winner of the bid. The issue we encountered is that Criteo only exposes CRBannerAdUnit and CRNativeAdUnit, it seems that there is no object that combines both of them.

Ideally we should be able to bid both for a banner and a native at the same time, with only the highest bid to be returned (not two different bid returned).

Can you point us to the right way to solve this issue? We should load two different bids (using CRBannerAdUnit and CRNativeAdUnit) and then enriching the GAMRequest twice? Or we can use one those two class as the default and the result bid will be valid for both types of ads?

Thank you in advance!

irwansetiawan commented 3 years ago

Hello @hispanico94

We would like to highlight that Criteo SDK currently doesn't support loading bids for multiple ad formats at the same time.

Usually, we would advise publishers to choose one format that works best for them. However, you could choose to implement custom logic that loads bids for CRBannerAdUnit and CRNativeAdUnit asynchronously, compare the bid's price on your side, and then enriching GAMRequest for just one of the bids (e.g. the highest CPM).

hispanico94 commented 3 years ago

Hello @irwansetiawan,

Thank you for the quick reply! We must be able to request bids for both formats at the same time, so we'll probably going to implement the custom logic you mentioned.