criticalfault / HomeFlix

An at home video streaming webserver built with Node.js and Express. Giving you full control of your media!
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Meta data reader #23

Open criticalfault opened 5 years ago

criticalfault commented 5 years ago

Here is where i am with the META Data readers. I want to see how people dig it before we pull it in. Its using an Async call. So there is a few minutes the files may be in the middle of loading, but it WILL load them in as it finishes. If you see a file you can stream it however. I think in the future we should have an admin command in the panel that creates a Json file of all data to do this incredible quickly. That might be the next thing i work on!

bretw84 commented 5 years ago

i cant figure out how to get this one working. I just cloned it fresh cause you were saying something was wrong w my package-lock or something last weekend. Did npm install. Did git checkout meta-data-reader did npm install again. It said something about adding a package-lock file. Added my path to videos and then node bin/www and i get errors.

events.js:183 throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event ^

Error: spawn C:\Development\homeFlix\node_modules\exiftool-kit\lib\bin\exiftool ENOENT at _errnoException (util.js:1022:11) at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:190:19) at onErrorNT (internal/child_process.js:372:16) at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:138:11) at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:180:9) at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:686:11) at startup (bootstrap_node.js:187:16) at bootstrap_node.js:608:3

criticalfault commented 5 years ago

So after looking into this. I think there is a hidden dependency that I must have installed that you don't have. That totally sucks because I can't find anything in Node.js npm library that can read meta data. Anyone have any ideas on it?

ekaneff commented 5 years ago

@bretw84 I'm not really sure how that's happening for you, because I can pull the branch and start and install everything just fine. Have you tried just doing a fresh clone the the repo down and trying again? Can you still run everything in master? Are you sure you pulled the latest code from his branch before trying to start it? If you havent done so already, I would delete your local instance of his branch, then do a git fetch git checkout --track origin/meta-data-reader and see if that fixes anything

bretw84 commented 5 years ago

@ekaneff - yes i cloned it fresh. Dean mention that my package-lock file was messed up so i just blew away what i had and did fresh clone. Then i did git checkout meta-data-reader, npm install set the path and i get that error that I pasted above. Ill try the git fetch stuff you mentioned above and see what happens.

criticalfault commented 5 years ago

We may need to figure out a better way to manage those package lock files. I still don't entirely understand what they are verses a package.json file. One is obviously way more specific, but what's the reason for it and how did ours venture so far off the beaten path. Maybe I or Emily can reconcile it. Did the whole install and meta data work for you @ekaneff ?

ekaneff commented 5 years ago

@criticalfault I had no problems pulling the latest of your branch and running it all locally.

ekaneff commented 5 years ago

Also @criticalfault I would consider making a separate, smaller PR for the fix to that bug I introduced where it loads multiples of the videos if you navigate to the page more than once.

criticalfault commented 5 years ago

@ekaneff Feel free to put in a pull for that bug you introduced. You just need 2 more PRs!