criticalmaps / criticalmaps-android

🤖 Critical Maps Android App
Apache License 2.0
136 stars 27 forks source link

Multilingual #17

Closed rodrigoaguilera closed 9 years ago

rodrigoaguilera commented 9 years ago

I was wondering if the app can be translated so the rules of the critical mass display in the language of your phone.

stephanlindauer commented 9 years ago

hi rodrigo, what language do you have in mind? we already have german and english working.

rodrigoaguilera commented 9 years ago

Spanish and Catalan :P for critical mass Barcelona and Madrid

stephanlindauer commented 9 years ago
<!-- app -->
<string name="app_name">Critical Maps</string>

<!-- nav -->
<string name="section_map">map</string>
<string name="section_rules">rules</string>
<string name="section_twitter">twitter</string>
<string name="section_about">about</string>
<string name="section_chat">chat</string>

<!-- close -->
<string name="close">really close the app?</string>
<string name="yes">yes</string>
<string name="no">nope</string>

<!-- acivity bar -->
<string name="tracking">tracking</string>
<string name="show_sternfahrt_routes">show sternfahrt routes</string>
<string name="close_button">close</string>
<string name="feedback">feedback</string>
<string name="datenschutz">privacy policy</string>
<string name="take_picture">take picture</string>

<!-- map -->
<string name="notification_tracking_title">location is being tracked</string>
<string name="notification_tracking_text">to deactivate: open the app and switch tracking off via the settings
    or close it via the x-button.
<string name="map_overlay_tracking_off">tracking ist turned off. \n
    activate tracking to be able to see all other cyclists. \n\n
    just tap here!

<!-- rules -->
<string name="rules_corken">corking!?</string>
<string name="rules_corken_explain">protect motorists from themselves by corking!</string>

<string name="rules_oncoming_traffic">oncoming traffic</string>
<string name="rules_oncoming_traffic_explain">do not drive on the opposite lane.</string>

<string name="rules_steady">hold your horses!</string>
<string name="rules_steady_explain">when driving in the front: no speeding! when driving in the rear: close gaps!

<string name="rules_brake">no hard stops!</string>
<string name="rules_brake_explain">if you really have to though, try to warn people behind you.

<string name="rules_green">when driving at the head: stop at the redlights!</string>
<string name="rules_green_explain">when you arrive at a red light while driving as part of the head of the mass, be
    sure to stop when the traffic light shows red.

<string name="rules_friendly">hang loose</string>
<string name="rules_friendly_explain">don\'t allow yourself to be provoked. be friendly to the police, motorists and
    everybody else, even if they are not.

<string name="rules_fun">have fun!</string>
<string name="rules_fun_explain">enjoy reclaimed streets. go checkout the sound bikes. chat with motorists,
    pedestrian and let them know what\'s going on. have fun!

<!-- chat -->
<string name="chat_heading">messages will be deleted after 30 minutes.</string>
<string name="chat_send">send</string>
<string name="chat_text">you have 255 characters...</string>
<string name="chat_sending">sending...</string>

<!-- notifications -->
<string name="notification_alarm_title">don\'t forget:</string>
<string name="notification_alarm_text">Critical Mass happening today! Viva la velorution!</string>

<!-- time to word -->
<string name="timetoword_justnow">just now...</string>
<string name="timetoword_aminuteago">a minute ago</string>
<string name="timetoword_minutesago">%s minutes ago</string>
<string name="timetoword_anhourago">an hour ago</string>
<string name="timetoword_hoursago">%s hours ago</string>
<string name="timetoword_yesterday">yesterday</string>
<string name="timetoword_daysago">%s days ago</string>

<!-- camera -->
<string name="camera_no_camera">no camera present</string>
<string name="camera_comfirm_image_upload">
    Willst du das Foto auf <a href=""></a>Do you want to upload? \n We will post your image on <a href="">CC BY-SA 4.0</a> Lizenz.
<string name="camera_upload">upload image!</string>
<string name="camera_discard">no :-(</string>
<string name="camera_uploading_progress">uploading...</string>
<string name="camera_error">something went wrong :-(</string>
<string name="camera_uploading_done">done!</string>
stephanlindauer commented 9 years ago

sorry i previously posted this into the wrong issue. so if you can translate all of those strings, then i will add those languages with the next build.

stephanlindauer commented 9 years ago

only the text inside the elements please so please dont change whats inside name="***"