crittercism / PhoneGap

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Android build fails with latest cordova/ionic release #35

Open VishalKSaxena opened 6 years ago

VishalKSaxena commented 6 years ago

With support for android studio, the path for config.xml is changed from res/xml/config.xml to app/src/main/res/xml/config.xml. cordova checks for 'platforms/android/libs' folder. if it exists, it switches to non-studio mode and fails to find config.xml. the plugin.xml need to be updated to copy the crittercism_..._sdkonly_plugin.jar to app/src/main/libs/ folder. move from.. to.. 'platforms/android/libs/crittercism_v5_8_9_sdkonly_plugin.jar', 'platforms/android/app/src/main/libs/crittercism_v5_8_9_sdkonly_plugin.jar' remove 'platforms/android/libs/' jar needs to be added into platforms/android/app/build.gradle dependencies { implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: '*.jar') // SUB-PROJECT DEPENDENCIES START implementation(project(path: ":CordovaLib")) // SUB-PROJECT DEPENDENCIES END **implementation files('src/main/libs/crittercism_v5_8_9_sdkonly_plugin.jar')** }