crittercism / PhoneGapExampleApp

3 stars 0 forks source link not recognising IOS_APP_ID in config.xml for iOS #8

Open andrewbusch7 opened 8 years ago

andrewbusch7 commented 8 years ago

When I do a local build with the following:

cordova -d plugin add --variable IOS_APP_ID="myiosappid"

it works fine, inc. reporting exceptions online.

When I build with with the following in my config.xml:

<gap:plugin name="com.apmano.plugin.crittercism">
    <param name="IOS_APP_ID" value="myiosappid" />
    <param name="ANDROID_APP_ID" value="myandroidappid" />

it gives me this error for iOS:

Error - One of your plugins requires a parameter: 548F2C313CF56B9E0457CAAA

However Android builds successfully.

Keen to be able to use for releases! Works fine with the same methodology for other plugins like FacebookConnect, so should be doable.

alexgaber commented 8 years ago

Looks like you'll need to get an iOS app ID first from the crittercism portal. The Crittercism SDK / plugin requires an actual app ID and fails to initialize when using some random string named "myiosappid"

andrewbusch7 commented 8 years ago

@alexgaber Hah you mean myiosappid isn't a legitimate ID? I've been conned!

Nah that's a placeholder for my real one. As I mentioned, the local build with the actual app ID i'm using works fine. Also even if it were an incorrect app ID, I expect it'd be failing on app start rather than on the build level.