crittermike / shortkeys

A browser extension for custom keyboard shortcuts
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Add ability to use Chrome OS Launcher key (Meta key modifier) similar to Command key on Mac #460

Open selfcommander opened 3 years ago

selfcommander commented 3 years ago

Chrome OS Launcher key can be mapped to Assistant key on Chromebooks, which is right next to the Alt key and is similar in functionality to the Command key on Macs or Win key on WIndows. Below is the report of the codes that key uses when pressed. Please add it as a modifier key along with Command, Ctrl, Alt and etc... image image

{ originalEvent: [object KeyboardEvent], type: keydown, isDefaultPrevented: function J(){return!1}, timeStamp: 15753.199999999255, jQuery172023977457070117825: true, keyCode: 91, key: Meta, charCode: 0, char: undefined, which: 91, view: [object Window], target: , shiftKey: false, relatedTarget: undefined, metaKey: true, eventPhase: 2, currentTarget: , ctrlKey: false, cancelable: true, bubbles: true, altKey: false, srcElement: , relatedNode: undefined, attrName: undefined, attrChange: undefined, delegateTarget: , data: null, handleObj: [object Object], preventDefault: function(){this.isDefaultPrevented=K;var a=this.originalEvent;!a||(a.preventDefault?a.preventDefault():a.returnValue=!1)}, stopPropagation: function(){this.isPropagationStopped=K;var a=this.originalEvent;!a||(a.stopPropagation&&a.stopPropagation(),a.cancelBubble=!0)}, stopImmediatePropagation: function(){this.isImmediatePropagationStopped=K,this.stopPropagation()}, isPropagationStopped: function J(){return!1}, isImmediatePropagationStopped: function J(){return!1} }

justinmoon commented 3 months ago

I'm having same issue