"MD5 mismatch object_put(access-files): joined.pdf=1efba7b26f8d5708007a06b384622d02 69429/m04b2x34rr93.pdf=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e during txd55151c959024adc8d041-0063ea92bb retries=4"
This is warning about a file that couldn't be stored the first time, but did get stored with a second try. It is quite likely that staff will want to silence that warning.
The same types of warnings happen with "Data Transfer (Admin Tools -> CAP)" where staff can read a message once to know all is fine, and then silence it.
Current example:
"MD5 mismatch object_put(access-files): joined.pdf=1efba7b26f8d5708007a06b384622d02 69429/m04b2x34rr93.pdf=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e during txd55151c959024adc8d041-0063ea92bb retries=4"
This is warning about a file that couldn't be stored the first time, but did get stored with a second try. It is quite likely that staff will want to silence that warning.
The same types of warnings happen with "Data Transfer (Admin Tools -> CAP)" where staff can read a message once to know all is fine, and then silence it.