crmne / Soundflower

MacOS system extension that allows applications to pass audio to other applications.
MIT License
34 stars 4 forks source link

Questions #6

Open tresf opened 9 years ago

tresf commented 9 years ago
  1. Why is your version ahead of RogueAmoeba's? Are they not willing to incorporate your changes?
  2. When we have intermittent issues with the software, how do we help get them fixed?
  3. Is the Apple developer ($99) ID the only part preventing you from signing this? Can the community contribute towards that?

I'm of the crowd that finds it completely unacceptable that there exists no HDMI volume control on Mac and SoundFlower is the only real solution I've found for that, but some of the bugs make it unstable for daily use. Is there a way we can help?

crmne commented 9 years ago

Hi @tresf,

  1. I don't know. I just took over the project because I needed to use SoundFlower myself.
  2. If you are a developer, just fork the repo and fix them. :) I'm not actively working on this project because at the moment I don't use it myself anymore and I don't have time for it.
  3. Yes. It would be possible if the community would help me since I'm not currently interested in an Apple Developer ID myself, but I'd rather wait for an active developer to take it over and contribute to him.

Well, by submitting detailed bug reports you're helping any developer who's interested (that could even be me) in finding the bug and eventually fix it. :)

tresf commented 9 years ago

@crmne Thanks. I'm not likely to get my hands dirty with the code myself either, but I can't find a replacement that allows HDMI volume control. Have you found a replacement?

Detailed bug reports are great, but the major issue I encounter happens rather randomly, so it would probably benefit from a debug build and a full stack trace, which I'm not entirely sure is 1. Worth the effort if no one is maintaining the code and 2. Where the right place actually is to publish the info since the code author doesn't seem to offer any recommended support channels.

crmne commented 9 years ago

@tresf: you're welcome. I don't use HDMI, sorry.

Well, if they are worth or not the effort is up to you, but I can say that if you do post a detailed bug report there is a chance that somebody is gonna step up and fix it. Also, it helps the community as a whole (more people posting good bug reports -> more bugs fixed -> better open source software for everybody) and fosters good habits.