croach / Flask-Fixtures

A simple library for adding database fixtures for unit tests using nothing but JSON or YAML.
MIT License
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adds Loader parameter to calls to yaml.load() #35

Open kmhsonnenkind opened 5 years ago

kmhsonnenkind commented 5 years ago

This is necessary to avoid deprecation warning in PyYAML.

see also:

Signed-off-by: Martin Kloesch

kam193 commented 4 years ago

@croach Hi, could be possible to review and merge this PR? It's a small change for flask-fixtures, but a very important step to clean hundreds of warnings :)

po5i commented 2 years ago

PyYAML in version 6.0 requires the loader, so Flask-Fixtures is not working with the updated version of PyYAML. A release of this PR would be highly appreciated.

jkugler commented 2 years ago

Considering this was last touched three years ago, I don't hold out much hope for a release. The best course of action may be a fork, sadly.

po5i commented 2 years ago

Does anyone know if there's a popular and active fork for this repo? I've seen this pattern in other open source projects.

jkugler commented 2 years ago

These are the current forks: The only one that appeared to have anything remotely recent was this one: Don't know if they have plans to keep going.

kmhsonnenkind commented 2 years ago

Is @croach still active on github? Forking would work but finding someone to take over the project would imho be the better solution. Otherwise you'd need make a new project on pypi, readthedocs and so on...

jkugler commented 2 years ago

@kmhsonnenkind Oh, I totally agree. It would be better if someone could take over, but too many times I see projects and/or owners go completely unresponsive, so the community ends up with no choice but to fork under a new name. Often with an "-NG" suffix. :)

croach commented 2 years ago

Hello all, and sorry for the long silence. I created this project to fill a gap that I saw in unit testing for my team within LinkedIn, and subsequently open sourced it in case anyone else could use it. Around 3 years ago, I changed my career focus to data science, and as a result, I no longer work with Flask, or this library, regularly. I do think the library is useful and would like to see it flourish, so for that reason I would welcome transferring ownership to someone that could get more use from the library. @kmhsonnenkind since you have the current pull request, I wonder if you would be interested in taking over ownership of the project? If so, let me know and I will make the transfer.

kmhsonnenkind commented 2 years ago

Hi, now I have to apologize about the (very) late response :disappointed:

My situation is somewhat similar to @croach as I have also shifted focus at work. I might be able to take over the repo for maintenance but not much more. Checking in every so often to review a couple of pull requests should be doable but don't expect much new development from my side...

If noone else is willing or able, I would take over though...