crockpotveggies / tinderbox

Automate Tinder swiping and introductions with Eigenfaces and StanfordNLP. NOTE: support for this project has been sunset, and the original author has since directed efforts towards Bernie AI.
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Automessage matches by default? #4

Open michaelmanus opened 9 years ago

michaelmanus commented 9 years ago

I just compiled/logged into my tinder account with the program and sent about 200 girls the bot's canned pickup lines.

I don't even know what to do now. On the bright side, the lines were that bad, but I have no way of carrying on conversations with that many people from all over the place.

Maybe the bot messenger should be turned off by default?

sidhuko commented 9 years ago

I agree, some poor girl has had the line about my mum showing baby pics three times. A timed delay would be great on the manual function.

michaelmanus commented 9 years ago

I just removed the follow up messages in FunMessages.scala.

The pickup line arent bad but the followups repeat and rarely make sense even with that fancy sentiment analysis.

Also, since this has been hit pretty hard by hackernews, I can imagine a lot of girls in the bay area today are gonna be asked about their preference for avocado :)

crockpotveggies commented 9 years ago

Sorry about that guys. I'll put a warning in the README when I get the first chance. Might be a while until I can get something more comprehensive going. The bot just had 31 forks made last night so if someone wants to open a PR I can merge it in the meantime.

Herbstein commented 9 years ago

Is there a way to completely turn of the the messaging bot? I want to test this, but I'm in a non-english speaking country.

CaptainJeff commented 9 years ago

Seems like you can just add your own messages in /tinderbox/app/models/bot/tasks/message/FunMessages.scala:

SXRWahrheit commented 9 years ago

Still needs a way larger variety or a better frontend for customizing messages. Once I realized what the defaults were I changed them immediately.

They got you 10 dates? I mean, I believe you, but LOL.

sidhuko commented 9 years ago

You have profile information to go on after a match. How about we create pipelines which (possibly) searches the description and matches their keywords and likes to certain responses. If we don't have a message for a pipeline its flagged as manual reply where you can create a automatic pipeline so you generate custom content over time instead of everyone using the same canned responses.

crockpotveggies commented 9 years ago

@SXRWahrheit turns out every girl loves avocados, so that's a good start for many of them :)

@jamessidhu that's not a bad idea. I thought about formalizing the whole process a bit more. More than happy to help guide this process if people want to pitch in and improve the bot.

Herbstein commented 9 years ago

@CaptainJeff That works just about as well. Thank you :)

christabella commented 9 years ago

@crockpotveggies yeah a brief section in the on where the user can find FunMessages.scala and modify it to their heart's content would be good :) (I must say I'm rather sad to see "Please tell me you're a fan of moms" go)

sidhuko commented 9 years ago

@crockpotveggies I'll take a look soon. Not a Scala developer to be honest so might need your eyes.

crockpotveggies commented 9 years ago

Added a direct link to the file in the README. Going to leave this issue open for a short while to consider adding some sort of config file for this.

@jamessidhu let me know how I can help :)

grssnbchr commented 9 years ago

I think one should be able to completely disable auto messaging. This feature makes it hard for non-English speaking users to use the app "productively" ;-). @crockpotveggies , could you, in the meantime, give a hint where in the code this could be disabled? Is it enough to just change line 8 in to something like def Messages = List()?