crockwell / Cap3D

[NeurIPS 2023] Scalable 3D Captioning with Pretrained Models
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Can the blender you provided be used to render. ply files? #32

Open JasonShiii opened 3 weeks ago

JasonShiii commented 3 weeks ago

Hi, thanks for your work and creating this comprehensive dataset. I used the .csv file you provided to filter out the SHA256 ids of ObjaverseXL data I wanted, and now I need to render these point clouds. I noticed that the point clouds you provided were either .ply files or .pt files, while the blender you provided seemed to be used only for .glb and .obj files. I would like to know how can I render these selected ObjaverseXL data given their ids. Looking forward to your reply.

tiangeluo commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @JasonShiii ,

Thank you for your acknowledgement of our efforts.

I am unsure if you want to render the point clouds into images -- as it will be a lot of 2D points. If you decide to proceed, you can use Blender to render .ply files with command:bpy.ops.import_mesh.ply(filepath='/path/to/your/pointcloud.ply'). Alternatively, I also used Mitsuba for rendering colorful point clouds. Some examples are shown in the Figure 2 of ShapeCompiler.