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Confirm Transaction Hangs with Ledger Nano S #119

Open ksnell88 opened 4 years ago

ksnell88 commented 4 years ago

I can only confirm a transaction if I send it while either "Confirm Block" or "Your Account" is shown on the Leder Nano S screen, which defeats the purpose of the Ledger to confirm Send To address on your Ledger device. If I wait until it gets to "Send Amount", "Send To" or anything after, the transaction will hang indefinitely stating "Waiting for confirmation on Ledger Device..." even though I just confirmed it on device (see screenshot). It also shows Ledger Disconnected at this time, even though it was just previously connected (see other screenshot). I do not have any other issues with my Ledger on this system, including with Ledger Live.

Ledger Ready Hung Transaction

Joohansson commented 4 years ago

@ksnell88 Just out of curiosity, does your current ledger and OS work in the Magnum wallet? That could help with troubleshooting this. I would like to know if it is a general problem with the Ledger library for JS or just the implementation in Nanovault.

ksnell88 commented 4 years ago

@Joohansson Sorry for the delay and thank you for your response. I tested the below in Firefox, Opera and Brave browsers. I unfortunately get the attached error with Magnum Wallet as well. The attached error pops up about 3/4 through viewing the entire address in the "Send To" screen.

Other Tests:

  1. Tested Sending from "View Amount" screen and I WAS able to successfully confirm a transaction via Ledger Nano S...just have to hope the send to address was not altered.
  2. Tested only viewing first few characters of address on "Send To" screen and confirming before the error pops up. It just spun and timed out on the same error with no success unfortunately.

Are you able to reproduce these issues? Let me know if you have other questions and I can try to assist.

Magnum Failed Send While On Send To Field

ksnell88 commented 4 years ago

Has anyone been able to replicate this? Still having the same issue.

Joohansson commented 4 years ago

Has anyone been able to replicate this? Still having the same issue.

Please check out It's a fork of NanoVault (which is shut down) and works perfectly with my Ledger. Also on but the desktop version is preferred with Ledger.

ksnell88 commented 4 years ago

Good to know, thank you.