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Instead of writing custom bindings use node-ffi #2

Open alexwaeseperlman opened 7 years ago

alexwaeseperlman commented 7 years ago

cronvel commented 7 years ago

What bindings?

I know node-ffi and already used it on a project.

alexwaeseperlman commented 7 years ago Background process management will need some features that does not exist in Node.js.

Interesting SO about foreground/background process management:

I may need to write my bindings to tcsetpgrp(), tcgetpgrp(), or use this undocumented package:

May also need setpgid(), setpgrp(), getpgrp().

cronvel commented 7 years ago

Thanks, but IFAIK there are chances that both the native way and the node-ffi way require the same amount of work, and would be potentially equally error-prone.

Will think about it when I will start working on background process management.