cropsly / ffmpeg-android-java

Android java library for FFmpeg binary compiled using
GNU General Public License v3.0
3.32k stars 831 forks source link

Support for Android 10 #361

Open 1nikolas opened 4 years ago

1nikolas commented 4 years ago

Based on this post. Moved ffmpeg binary to the libs folder and added android:extractNativeLibs = "true" to the manifest so it can copy itself into /data/app/{package_name}/lib/{arch}/ and then execute it from there (which is supported on Android 10). The x86 binary doesn't work on Android 6+, and that's a separate bug (see here and here)

Fixes #343 Fixes #355 Fixes #360

sidhuparas commented 4 years ago

Hi @1nikolas,

Thanks you for coming out with an approach to fix it. I came across this issue today and saw your PR. I felt that this would work and this should've worked. But I am getting following error when I try this with Android 10:

CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE "/data/app/": "/data/app/com.short.videos.debug-YuYsFFp_DMmblCEyt_UMBw==/lib/x86/" has text relocations (

I tried it on an Emulator running Android 10. After researching, it seems that FFMpeg and Google both have refused to fix this Text relocations issue.

I just forked the library from your repo and imported it. Then gave a try. Am I doing something wrong?

Also, before it used to work on Android < 10. But now it's throwing the error in those versions as well: Cannot run program "/data/app/": error=2, No such file or directory

Looking forward to your response.

1nikolas commented 4 years ago

Hi @1nikolas,

Thanks you for coming out with an approach to fix it. I came across this issue today and saw your PR. I felt that this would work and this should've worked. But I am getting following error when I try this with Android 10:

CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE "/data/app/": "/data/app/com.short.videos.debug-YuYsFFp_DMmblCEyt_UMBw==/lib/x86/" has text relocations (

I tried it on an Emulator running Android 10. After researching, it seems that FFMpeg and Google both have refused to fix this Text relocations issue.

I just forked the library from your repo and imported it. Then gave a try. Am I doing something wrong?

Also, before it used to work on Android < 10. But now it's throwing the error in those versions as well: Cannot run program "/data/app/": error=2, No such file or directory

Looking forward to your response.

The emulator uses by default x86 architecture and it doesnt work on x86 on Android 6+ that way (as I already mentioned). As for the other error, you have to add these on your app build.gradle (so it forces arm64 devices to use the arm binary and x86_64 to use the x86 one)

    buildTypes {
        release {
            ndk {
                abiFilters "armeabi-v7a", "x86"

        debug {
            ndk {
                abiFilters "armeabi-v7a", "x86"
Ronnys commented 4 years ago

how can we use the new commit??

1nikolas commented 4 years ago

how can we use the new commit??

You can find the fork on my account or you can click 1nikolas:master from here

sidhuparas commented 4 years ago

@1nikolas Thanks for the quick reply. I tried your suggestion and it worked for Android < 10. But when I tested it on Android 10, it gave me a long error (couldn't see full error). I know that to resolve the issue, I should provide that error but there came some fault in the device and I am fixing it. As soon as it goes up, I will post the trace here. Thank you for the time.

Ahmed-Basalib10 commented 3 years ago

@1nikolas what did u mean by ffmpeg binary ?

1nikolas commented 3 years ago

@1nikolas what did u mean by ffmpeg binary ?

Pre build ffmpeg executables for each cpu architecture. This libary uses those to run ffmpeg (on the current commit its on the assets folder and on my commit its on the libs folder)

SundaramKrishna commented 3 years ago

this fix will be released ? or i have to pull from @1nikolas repository

1nikolas commented 3 years ago

this fix will be released ? or i have to pull from @1nikolas repository

I don't think so. This repo is abandoned since 2016..

arjun-6573 commented 3 years ago

Its working fine but unable to upload app on play store getting issue This release is not compliant with the Google Play 64-bit requirement but after applying
ndk { abiFilters 'armeabi-v7a','arm64-v8a','x86','x86_64' } play store allowing to publish but it's unable to load binary its always failing

1nikolas commented 3 years ago

Its working fine but unable to upload app on play store getting issue This release is not compliant with the Google Play 64-bit requirement but after applying
ndk { abiFilters 'armeabi-v7a','arm64-v8a','x86','x86_64' } play store allowing to publish but it's unable to load binary its always failing

Okay this is a problem I didn't predict. A workaround for this would be to keep the abifilters as you mentioned and copy from libs/x86 to libs/x86_64 and from libs/arm to libs/arm64. But this will make the apk size larger as it would have the library 4 times inside the apk.

Anyway to everyone reading this, this PR is a workaround and doesnt work 100% because this library is super old. Just use a newer ffmpeg library (which uses ndk) instead of trying to fix this one. Its not worth the time.

sidhuparas commented 3 years ago

@1nikolas Can you recommend a "newer ffmpeg library"? For some strange reason, I still can't get hold of my Android 10 phone. I will be looking to implement your fix otherwise I might go for a newer library.

1nikolas commented 3 years ago

@1nikolas Can you recommend a "newer ffmpeg library"? For some strange reason, I still can't get hold of my Android 10 phone. I will be looking to implement your fix otherwise I might go for a newer library.

There are many libs but this seems to be the most popular. You can google "ffmpeg android github" to find more .

sidhuparas commented 3 years ago

@1nikolas Well, thank you. I migrated to that library's LTS support (for which min SDK is 21) and it's working perfectly on Android 10. Thank you! 🎉

HungTDO commented 3 years ago

When I'm applied your code into my project, then I run project always recieved error: " Cannot run program "/data/app/": error=2, No such file or directory"?

Herz3h commented 3 years ago

@HungTDO check this

HungTDO commented 3 years ago

@HungTDO check this #361 (comment)

It's worked! Thanks so much!

Ahmed-Basalib10 commented 3 years ago

@1nikolas Well, thank you. I migrated to that library's LTS support (for which min SDK is 21) and it's working perfectly on Android 10. Thank you! 🎉

Can you explain how did you do that ?

sidhuparas commented 3 years ago

@Ahmed715 Just go to this repo. Find the gradle dependency to add. Just remember you need to use 4.3.1.LTS in the end instead of 4.3.2 if your project has minSDK as 21. The API's are similar. Directly using there are no callbacks and the code is synchronous so you need to manage multithreading on your own. I used Coroutines to achieve that. Check section 2.2 here.

khacdat1994 commented 3 years ago

How to switch between android Q version and below? Thank. I'm read file from libs folder but not working

1nikolas commented 3 years ago

How to switch between android Q version and below? Thank. I'm read file from libs folder but not working

My fix should work in all android versions. Whats the error?

godhiepnt commented 3 years ago

Its working fine but unable to upload app on play store getting issue This release is not compliant with the Google Play 64-bit requirement but after applying ndk { abiFilters 'armeabi-v7a','arm64-v8a','x86','x86_64' } play store allowing to publish but it's unable to load binary its always failing

Okay this is a problem I didn't predict. A workaround for this would be to keep the abifilters as you mentioned and copy from libs/x86 to libs/x86_64 and from libs/arm to libs/arm64. But this will make the apk size larger as it would have the library 4 times inside the apk.

Anyway to everyone reading this, this PR is a workaround and doesn't work 100% because this library is super old. Just use a newer FFmpeg library (which uses ndk) instead of trying to fix this one. It's not worth the time.

Hi, @1nikolas Can you show me what the folders look like after copying?

Screen Shot 2020-08-24 at 4 53 50 PM Screen Shot 2020-08-24 at 4 54 48 PM

It's unable to load binary. It's always failing

1nikolas commented 3 years ago

@godhiepnt they way you did it, it should work. Whats the error? The file isn't copied in the app data libs?

godhiepnt commented 3 years ago

@godhiepnt did you add these to your gradle?

    buildTypes {
        release {
            ndk {
                abiFilters "armeabi-v7a", "x86"

        debug {
            ndk {
                abiFilters "armeabi-v7a", "x86"

Yes. If in buildTypes , abiFilters "armeabi-v7a", "x86" it works great . But abiFilters 'armeabi-v7a','arm64-v8a','x86','x86_64' error : E/FFmpeg: Exception while trying to run: [Ljava.lang.String;@2526a Cannot run program "/data/app/g3.videoeditor.videomakerwithmusic-bmB3e7UAy_hXWwAJ9h4Qrg==/lib/arm/": error=2, No such file or directory

Can you help me understand better?

1nikolas commented 3 years ago

@godhiepnt try using these two abi filters only abiFilters "armeabi-v7a", "x86" and delete arm64 and x86_64 folders in libs. This should make it work on all 4 archs

godhiepnt commented 3 years ago

@godhiepnt try using these two abi filters only abiFilters "armeabi-v7a", "x86" and delete arm64 and x86_64 folders in libs. This should make it work on all 4 archs

This release is not compliant with the Google Play 64-bit requirement. The following APKs or App Bundles are available to 64-bit devices, but they only have 32-bit native code: Include 64-bit and 32-bit native code in your app. Use the Android App Bundle publishing format to automatically ensure that each device architecture receives only the native code it needs. This avoids increasing the overall size of your app.

@1nikolas Can you help me fix it?

1nikolas commented 3 years ago

@godhiepnt you have to copy contents of arm to arm64 and cotents of x86 to x86_64. And then you have to modify some code (on line 59 you have to add 2 more else ifs according on how arch folders are named)

krushnarathod commented 3 years ago

solution work in debug mode , but when we generate sign apk ,through as error #360 Cannot run program "/data/app/com.test.maker--dN1llxm8vYjyFIC4I3iHA==/lib//": error=2, No such file or directory

1nikolas commented 3 years ago

solution work in debug mode , but when we generate sign apk ,through as error #360 Cannot run program "/data/app/com.test.maker--dN1llxm8vYjyFIC4I3iHA==/lib//": error=2, No such file or directory

If you use "armeabi-v7a", "x86" you have to add them in debug too. See the first comments

krushnarathod commented 3 years ago

is there any solution for arm64-v8a x86_64 because when we fetch ffmpeg from lib folder it wont detect .so file, Through file not exist error.

1nikolas commented 3 years ago

is there any solution for arm64-v8a x86_64 because when we fetch ffmpeg from lib folder it wont detect .so file, Through file not exist error.

did you add those?

    buildTypes {
        release {
            ndk {
                abiFilters "armeabi-v7a", "x86"

        debug {
            ndk {
                abiFilters "armeabi-v7a", "x86"
krushnarathod commented 3 years ago

is there any solution for arm64-v8a x86_64 because when we fetch ffmpeg from lib folder it wont detect .so file, Through file not exist error.

did you add those?

    buildTypes {
        release {
            ndk {
                abiFilters "armeabi-v7a", "x86"

        debug {
            ndk {
                abiFilters "armeabi-v7a", "x86"

Yes added it work fine with that. but using this it exclude arm64-v8a x86_64 , so there is no 64 bit arch. according to new google play policy apps published on Google Play will need to support 64-bit architectures

1nikolas commented 3 years ago

is there any solution for arm64-v8a x86_64 because when we fetch ffmpeg from lib folder it wont detect .so file, Through file not exist error.

did you add those?

    buildTypes {
        release {
            ndk {
                abiFilters "armeabi-v7a", "x86"

        debug {
            ndk {
                abiFilters "armeabi-v7a", "x86"

Yes added it work fine with that. but using this it exclude arm64-v8a x86_64 , so there is no 64 bit arch. according to new google play policy apps published on Google Play will need to support 64-bit architectures

Okay then remove these I mentioned and copy x86 files in the x86_64 folder and arm files to arm64 folder (I dont remember the exact folder names)

krushnarathod commented 3 years ago

is there any solution for arm64-v8a x86_64 because when we fetch ffmpeg from lib folder it wont detect .so file, Through file not exist error.

did you add those?

    buildTypes {
        release {
            ndk {
                abiFilters "armeabi-v7a", "x86"

        debug {
            ndk {
                abiFilters "armeabi-v7a", "x86"

Yes added it work fine with that. but using this it exclude arm64-v8a x86_64 , so there is no 64 bit arch. according to new google play policy apps published on Google Play will need to support 64-bit architectures

Okay then remove these I mentioned and copy x86 files in the x86_64 folder and arm files to arm64 folder (I dont remember the exact folder names)

I did .but show the same issue

1nikolas commented 3 years ago

@krushnarathod are you sure you used the correct folder names?

krushnarathod commented 3 years ago

@krushnarathod are you sure you used the correct folder names?

Yes ,folder name is correct

1nikolas commented 3 years ago

@krushnarathod try mobile-ffmpeg lts version. I don't know how to fix your problem

krushnarathod commented 3 years ago
static String getFFmpeg(Context context) {

    String archFolder = "";

    if (CpuArchHelper.getCpuArch() == CpuArch.x86){
        archFolder = "x86";
    } else if (CpuArchHelper.getCpuArch() == CpuArch.ARMv7){
        archFolder = "arm";

    return context.getApplicationInfo().nativeLibraryDir + "/" + ffmpegFileName;

// return context.getPackageResourcePath().replaceAll("/([^/]+)$", "/lib/") + archFolder + "/" + ffmpegFileName; }

Changed in class and it works

Udhayarajan commented 3 years ago

Thanks for modifying this. By the way , How to add your commit in build,gradle like

implementation 'com.github.1nikolas:ffmpeg-android-java:master-SNAPSHOT'

is this correct? Another question will it works on Android 11 and Upcoming android 12?

dmkenza commented 3 years ago

@Udhayarajan This library not working with android 10.

Use this Only way for using FFmpeg with android 10

Library is very big, but you can generate that you need. And use apk split also.

splits {

    abi {
        // Enables building multiple APKs per ABI.
        enable true
        // Specifies a list of ABIs that Gradle should create APKs for.
        include "x86", "x86_64", "armeabi-v7a", "arm64-v8a"

1nikolas commented 3 years ago

@Udhayarajan you have to go to my profile, download my fork and import it manually to your project. But I haven't tested it with android 11 and 12. If you are going to upload your app on Playstore, just use mobile-ffmpeg with split apks.

Udhayarajan commented 3 years ago

@Udhayarajan This library not working with android 10.

Use this Only way for using FFmpeg with android 10

Library is very big, but you can generate that you need. And use apk split also.

splits {

    abi {
        // Enables building multiple APKs per ABI.
        enable true
        // Specifies a list of ABIs that Gradle should create APKs for.
        include "x86", "x86_64", "armeabi-v7a", "arm64-v8a"


It works on Android 11

pintudhameliya123 commented 3 years ago

Hi, @1nikolas I still get below error while compiling this library.. Cannot run program "/data/app/com.test.maker--dN1llxm8vYjyFIC4I3iHA==/lib//": error=2, No such file or directory

1nikolas commented 3 years ago

Hi, @1nikolas I still get below error while compiling this library.. Cannot run program "/data/app/com.test.maker--dN1llxm8vYjyFIC4I3iHA==/lib//": error=2, No such file or directory

What Android are you on? It's only tested on Android 10. Also did you add android:extractNativeLibs = "true" to your manifest?

pintudhameliya123 commented 3 years ago

Already add android:extractNativeLibs = "true" in the manifest

Udhayarajan commented 3 years ago

@pintudhameliya123 try disabling offline gradle build and rebuild project. Also try

It is working on Android 11 also tested

NoVaTin202 commented 3 years ago

I got this error when writing ffmpeg from assets to lib on android 10. Is anyone showing me the solution. It reports: /error while writing: /data/app/ open failed: EACCES (Permission denied)

Ahmed-Basalib10 commented 2 years ago

@Udhayarajan This library not working with android 10. Use this Only way for using FFmpeg with android 10 Library is very big, but you can generate that you need. And use apk split also.

splits {

    abi {
        // Enables building multiple APKs per ABI.
        enable true
        // Specifies a list of ABIs that Gradle should create APKs for.
        include "x86", "x86_64", "armeabi-v7a", "arm64-v8a"


It works on Android 11

Yes it is working but what about the size of ur app , mine is so large after i used this lib

Udhayarajan commented 2 years ago

@Udhayarajan This library not working with android 10. Use this Only way for using FFmpeg with android 10 Library is very big, but you can generate that you need. And use apk split also.

splits {

    abi {
        // Enables building multiple APKs per ABI.
        enable true
        // Specifies a list of ABIs that Gradle should create APKs for.
        include "x86", "x86_64", "armeabi-v7a", "arm64-v8a"


It works on Android 11

Yes it is working but what about the size of ur app , mine is so large after i used this lib

Yes mine too. 30MB to 75MB which is huge. Try to split apks based on abis or use AAB if use Google play store to publish

Ahmed-Basalib10 commented 2 years ago

@Udhayarajan This library not working with android 10. Use this Only way for using FFmpeg with android 10 Library is very big, but you can generate that you need. And use apk split also.

splits {

    abi {
        // Enables building multiple APKs per ABI.
        enable true
        // Specifies a list of ABIs that Gradle should create APKs for.
        include "x86", "x86_64", "armeabi-v7a", "arm64-v8a"


It works on Android 11

Yes it is working but what about the size of ur app , mine is so large after i used this lib

Yes mine too. 30MB to 75MB which is huge. Try to split apks based on abis or use AAB if use Google play store to publish

Also it supports only android level 24 and above , is there any way to make it support lower versions also from 21 level