Open saadbzu opened 4 years ago
I have i question about crop the video using ffmpeg. I used this command to crop video:
final String[] cmd = "-i /storage/emulated/0/nature.mp4 -vf crop=720:720:0:400 -threads 5 -preset ultrafast -strict -2 /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/YourCroppedMovie.mp4".split(" ");
This command work fine but i want to give aspect ratio not fixed height and width this command here:
I have i question about crop the video using ffmpeg. I used this command to crop video:
final String[] cmd = "-i /storage/emulated/0/nature.mp4 -vf crop=720:720:0:400 -threads 5 -preset ultrafast -strict -2 /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/YourCroppedMovie.mp4".split(" ");
This command work fine but i want to give aspect ratio not fixed height and width this command here: