croservices / cro

Development tools for building services and distributed systems in Raku using the Cro libraries.
Artistic License 2.0
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Installation fails - cro:ver<0.8.7> #144

Open melezhik opened 2 years ago

melezhik commented 2 years ago
#16 237.0 ===> Installing: cro:ver<0.8.7>
#16 237.0 ===> Install [FAIL] for cro:ver<0.8.7>: ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /home/raku/test/home#sources/CDD1B9ACAC20AA8242177EABC4201F5DB54E32F6 (Cro::Tools::CLI)
#16 237.0 ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /home/raku/test/home#sources/E15D7B321CDB795C1C8B2A03336CEC5785C71203 (Cro::Tools::Link::Editor)
#16 237.0 ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /home/raku/test/home#sources/7750EB2A5285C89FB7AE9E117A6C91487498984C (Cro::Tools::LinkTemplate)
#16 237.0 Could not find File::Find in:
#16 237.0     inst#/home/sparky/.raku
#16 237.0     inst#/usr/share/perl6/site
#16 237.0     inst#/usr/share/perl6/vendor
#16 237.0     inst#/usr/share/perl6/core
#16 237.0     ap#
#16 237.0     nqp#
#16 237.0     perl5#
#16 237.0 at /home/raku/test/home#s
jnthn commented 2 years ago

Can't really make sense of this; File::Find is declared as a dependency.

melezhik commented 2 years ago

hmm. you are right, maybe just docker/alpine quirks?

jnthn commented 2 years ago

@melezhik Maybe, I only wish I had any guesses at what they might be. What happens if you zef install File::Find and raku -e 'use File::Find'?

melezhik commented 2 years ago

let me reproduce this, the problem is I have this error, when try to build docker container, so it's take time

melezhik commented 2 years ago
=> [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile                                                     0.0s
 => => transferring dockerfile: 849B                                                                     0.0s
 => [internal] load .dockerignore                                                                        0.0s
 => => transferring context: 2B                                                                          0.0s
 => [internal] load metadata for                                          0.2s
 => [ 1/13] FROM  0.0s
 => CACHED [ 2/13] RUN apk update && apk add openssl bash curl wget perl openssl-dev sqlite sqlite-dev   0.0s
 => [ 3/13] RUN zef install --verbose File::Find && raku -e 'use File::Find'                            31.9s
 => [ 4/13] RUN zef install --/test                            60.2s 
 => [ 5/13] RUN zef install --/test                            7.9s 
 => [ 6/13] RUN zef install --/test                      44.8s 
 => [ 7/13] RUN zef install Cro::TLS --/test                                                            32.1s 
 => ERROR [ 8/13] RUN zef install --/test  && echo OK2          196.3s 
 > [ 8/13] RUN zef install --/test  && echo OK2:                       
#11 7.350 ===> Searching for missing dependencies: DBIish, DBIish::Pool, Time::Crontab, cro, Cro::HTTP::Server, Cro::HTTP::Router, Cro::WebApp::Template, Text::Markdown                                                    
#11 196.2 ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /home/raku/test/site#sources/CDD1B9ACAC20AA8242177EABC4201F5DB54E32F6 (Cro::Tools::CLI)                                                                                        
#11 196.2 ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /home/raku/test/site#sources/E15D7B321CDB795C1C8B2A03336CEC5785C71203 (Cro::Tools::Link::Editor)
#11 196.2 ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /home/raku/test/site#sources/7750EB2A5285C89FB7AE9E117A6C91487498984C (Cro::Tools::LinkTemplate)
#11 196.2 Could not find File::Find in:
#11 196.2     inst#/usr/share/perl6/site
#11 196.2     inst#/usr/share/perl6/vendor
#11 196.2     inst#/usr/share/perl6/core
#11 196.2     ap#
#11 196.2     nqp#
#11 196.2     perl5#
#11 196.2 at /home/raku/test/site#sources/7750EB2A5285C89FB7AE9E117A6C91487498984C (Cro::Tools::LinkTemplate):3
#11 196.2 
#11 196.2 at /home/raku/test/site#sources/E15D7B321CDB795C1C8B2A03336CEC5785C71203 (Cro::Tools::Link::Editor):2
#11 196.2 
#11 196.2 at /home/raku/test/site#sources/CDD1B9ACAC20AA8242177EABC4201F5DB54E32F6 (Cro::Tools::CLI):1
#11 196.2 
#11 196.2 ===> Searching for missing dependencies: Log::Timeline, OO::Monitors, IO::Path::ChildSecure, Base64, HTTP::HPACK, Crypt::Random, JSON::JWT, DateTime::Parse, HTML::Escape, Test::META, NativeHelpers::Blob, NativeLibs, META6, Terminal::ANSIColor, Cro::WebSocket:ver<0.8.7>, Docker::File, File::Ignore
#11 196.2 ===> Searching for missing dependencies: URI, License::SPDX, CBOR::Simple, JSON::Class:ver<0.0.15+>, JSON::Name, if, Digest::HMAC, Digest::SHA1::Native
#11 196.2 ===> Searching for missing dependencies: Digest, TinyFloats:ver<0.0.3+>, JSON::Marshal:ver<0.0.23+>, JSON::Unmarshal:ver<0.08+>, JSON::OptIn
#11 196.2 ===> Building: Digest::SHA1::Native:ver<0.05>
#11 196.2 ===> Building [OK] for Digest::SHA1::Native:ver<0.05>
#11 196.2 ===> Installing: NativeHelpers::Blob:ver<0.1.12>:auth<github:salortiz>
#11 196.2 ===> Installing: NativeLibs:ver<0.0.9>:auth<github:salortiz>
#11 196.2 ===> Installing: DBIish:ver<0.6.4>:auth<zef:raku-community-modules>:api<1>
#11 196.2 ===> Installing: DBIish::Pool:ver<1.1.0>:auth<zef:rbt>
#11 196.2 ===> Installing: JSON::OptIn:ver<0.0.1>:auth<github:jonathanstowe>
#11 196.2 ===> Installing: JSON::Name:ver<0.0.6>:auth<github:jonathanstowe>:api<1.0>
#11 196.2 ===> Installing: JSON::Marshal:ver<0.0.23>:auth<github:jonathanstowe>:api<1.0>
#11 196.2 ===> Installing: JSON::Unmarshal:ver<0.08>
#11 196.2 ===> Installing: JSON::Class:ver<0.0.18>:auth<github:jonathanstowe>:api<1.0>
#11 196.2 ===> Installing: META6:ver<0.0.26>:auth<github:jonathanstowe>:api<1.0>
#11 196.2 ===> Installing: URI:ver<0.3.5>
#11 196.2 ===> Installing: License::SPDX:ver<3.16.0>:auth<github:jonathanstowe>:api<1.0>
#11 196.2 ===> Installing: Test::META:ver<0.0.17>:auth<github:jonathanstowe>:api<1.0>
#11 196.2 ===> Installing: Time::Crontab:ver<1.0.0>
#11 196.2 ===> Installing: Terminal::ANSIColor:ver<0.5>
#11 196.2 ===> Installing: OO::Monitors:ver<1.1.1>
#11 196.2 ===> Installing: IO::Path::ChildSecure:ver<1.001011>
#11 196.2 ===> Installing: Base64:ver<0.0.2>:auth<github:ugexe>
#11 196.2 ===> Installing: HTTP::HPACK:ver<0.9.3>
#11 196.2 ===> Installing: if:ver<0.1.1>
#11 196.2 ===> Installing: Crypt::Random:ver<0.4.1>
#11 196.2 ===> Installing: Digest:ver<0.5.0>
#11 196.2 compiling...
#11 196.2 ===> Installing: Digest::HMAC:ver<1.0.2>:auth<github:retupmoca>
#11 196.2 ===> Installing: JSON::JWT:ver<1.1.1>:auth<zef:raku-community-modules>
#11 196.2 ===> Installing: DateTime::Parse:ver<0.9.1>
#11 196.2 ===> Installing: TinyFloats:ver<0.0.4>:auth<zef:japhb>
#11 196.2 ===> Installing: CBOR::Simple:ver<0.1.1>:auth<zef:japhb>
#11 196.2 ===> Installing: Log::Timeline:ver<0.4>
#11 196.2 ===> Installing: Cro::HTTP:ver<0.8.7>
#11 196.2 ===> Installing: Digest::SHA1::Native:ver<0.05>
#11 196.2 ===> Installing: Cro::WebSocket:ver<0.8.7>
#11 196.2 ===> Installing: Docker::File:ver<1.0>:auth<github:jnthn>
#11 196.2 ===> Installing: File::Ignore:ver<1.1>
#11 196.2 ===> Installing: cro:ver<0.8.7>
#11 196.2 ===> Install [FAIL] for cro:ver<0.8.7>: ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /home/raku/test/site#sources/CDD1B9ACAC20AA8242177EABC4201F5DB54E32F6 (Cro::Tools::CLI)
#11 196.2 ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /home/raku/test/site#sources/E15D7B321CDB795C1C8B2A03336CEC5785C71203 (Cro::Tools::Link::Editor)
#11 196.2 ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /home/raku/test/site#sources/7750EB2A5285C89FB7AE9E117A6C91487498984C (Cro::Tools::LinkTemplate)
#11 196.2 Could not find File::Find in:
#11 196.2     inst#/usr/share/perl6/site
#11 196.2     inst#/usr/share/perl6/vendor
#11 196.2     inst#/usr/share/perl6/core
#11 196.2     ap#
#11 196.2     nqp#
#11 196.2     perl5#
#11 196.2 at /home/raku/test/site#sources/7750EB2A5285C89FB7AE9E117A6C91487498984C (Cro::Tools::LinkTemplate):3
#11 196.2 
#11 196.2 at /home/raku/test/site#sources/E15D7B321CDB795C1C8B2A03336CEC5785C71203 (Cro::Tools::Link::Editor):2
#11 196.2 
#11 196.2 at /home/raku/test/site#sources/CDD1B9ACAC20AA8242177EABC4201F5DB54E32F6 (Cro::Tools::CLI):1
#11 196.2 
executor failed running [/bin/sh -c zef install --/test  && echo OK2]: exit code: 1
melezhik commented 2 years ago

basically this happens when I change raku user to root within Dockerfile cc @JJ

melezhik commented 2 years ago

Apparently , [ 3/13] RUN zef install --verbose File::Find && raku -e 'use File::Find' does not fix the issue, I guess this somehow relates to the fact initial user is raku, however in my Dockerfile I change user to root and this causes problem with zef install cro and File::Find

JJ commented 2 years ago

You probably need to redefine $HOME for the new user.

melezhik commented 2 years ago

thanks @JJ I also thinks this might be a reason, meanwhile I decided just to go with current (raku) user ....