crosire / d3d8to9

A D3D8 pseudo-driver which converts API calls and bytecode shaders to equivalent D3D9 ones.
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Add caching for Direct3D8 classes #34

Closed elishacloud closed 6 years ago

elishacloud commented 7 years ago

Added caching for the following classes:

Simplified reference counting by removing RefCount, CurrentRenderTarget and CurrentDepthStencilSurface

This fixes the problems reported in issue #21.

elishacloud commented 7 years ago

Let me explain this change in more detail since this is a rather large change.

New 'AddressLookupTable' class added

For the first part of this change, I created a new class called AddressLookupTable to handle all the caching of addresses. Along with this I added two new files: _lookuptable.cpp and _lookuptable.h

This caching class has three functions that are exposed for each Direct3D8 class. The function names are SaveAddress, FindAddress and DeleteAddress.

Here is an example of the Direct3DSurface8 class functions:

void SaveAddress(Direct3DSurface8*, IDirect3DSurface9*);
Direct3DSurface8* FindAddress(IDirect3DSurface9*);
void DeleteAddress(Direct3DSurface8*);

The AddressLookupTable class creates an array of vectors, one vector for each Direct3D8 class. The index of each Direct3D8 vector is stored in a static const so that it can be referred to by name (for code clarity):

static constexpr DWORD SurfaceVector = 0;
static constexpr DWORD TextureVector = 1;
static constexpr DWORD CubeTextureVector = 2;
static constexpr DWORD VolumeTextureVector = 3;
static constexpr DWORD VolumeVector = 4;
static constexpr DWORD VertexBufferVector = 5;
static constexpr DWORD IndexBufferVector = 6;
static constexpr DWORD SwapChainVector = 7;

I also created three private functions in AddressLookupTable class to handle the actual storing, retrieving and deleting of items in the cache. Each of the class SaveAddress, FindAddress and DeleteAddress functions will call these private functions to do the actual work. The private functions use void* as their address type so each of the public classes need to cast the address as this type and give the index of their vector so that the private functions know which vector to use.

Here is an example of the Direct3DSurface8 class functions calling the private functions:

Direct3DSurface8* AddressLookupTable::FindAddress(IDirect3DSurface9* pSurface9)
    return reinterpret_cast<Direct3DSurface8*>(FindAddress(reinterpret_cast<void*>(pSurface9), SurfaceVector));
void AddressLookupTable::SaveAddress(Direct3DSurface8* pSurface8, IDirect3DSurface9* pSurface9)
    SaveAddress(reinterpret_cast<void*>(pSurface8), reinterpret_cast<void*>(pSurface9), SurfaceVector);
void AddressLookupTable::DeleteAddress(Direct3DSurface8* pSurface8)
    DeleteAddress(reinterpret_cast<void*>(pSurface8), SurfaceVector);


This function will take two addresses, an address for a Direct3D8 class and an address for a Direct3D9 class and store these two addresses in the vector for later retrieval.


This function, given a Direct3D9 address (since that is what we get from ProxyInteface), will retrieve the associated Direct3D8 address.


This function, given a Direct3D8 address will delete the cache for this entry. It does this by switching the location of the requested item with the item in the back of the vector and then removing the item in the back (which is now this item).

Updates to Direct3D8Device

The AddressLookupTable class is instantiated in the Direct3D8Device class constructor and it is removed (deleted) in the Direct3D8Device class deconstructor, so it is available to all Direct3D8 classes via their Device variable.

Because the Direct3D9 addresses are cached there is no longer any need for the CurrentRenderTarget and CurrentDepthStencilSurface variables. These can be retrieved by calling the ProxyInterface and then looking up their associated Direct3D8 cached values. This greatly simplifies the CreateDevice and SetRenderTarget functions.

In addition the AddRef and the Release functions were simplified and changed to point directly to the device ProxyInterface so that the RefCount variable was no longer needed for this class.

Whenever a Get request was called (such as GetRenderTarget) the code was changed to first get the Direct3D9 address by calling the associated ProxyInterface function and then looking up the address in the cache, like this example:

const HRESULT hr = ProxyInterface->GetRenderTarget(0, &SurfaceInterface);

if (FAILED(hr))
    return hr;

*ppRenderTarget = ProxyAddressLookupTable->FindAddress(SurfaceInterface);
if (*ppRenderTarget == nullptr)
    *ppRenderTarget = new Direct3DSurface8(this, SurfaceInterface);

If the address was not found in the cache then a new Direct3D8 instance was created.

Updates in Direct3D8 classes

This change updates the following Direct3D8 classes by adding caching:

For each one of these classes there is a new line added to the constructor to record the Direct3D8 address and the Direct3D9 address using the SaveAddress function.

In addition the AddRef and the Release functions where changed for these classes as well to point directly to the device ProxyInterface so that the RefCount variable was no longer needed for these classes. The Release function was also changed so the class is no longer deleted once the reference count got down to 0. Since in Windows all of the addresses are always available even when the reference count reaches 0, as long as the device is still available, I replicated that function here as well. So these classes will remain until the main device has been removed.

There are also two new variables Active and CleanUpFlag created for each of these classes. The Active flag remains true until all the reference counts are removed. This allows us to tell when all references have been removed from this class. Since the class is not deleted after all references are removed there needed to be a way to tell when all the references are gone. The reason for this is that a reference gets added to the Device for each class instantiation and we need a way to remove the reference for this class but only removing it once. Therefore when the Device->Release() function has been called it sets the Active flag to false to prevent from releasing the device again.

The CleanUpFlag is used to determine if the class should be deleted from cache and its references removed from the device. This flag is used when the AddressLookupTable deconstructor is called and the classes are deleted. Since the AddressLookupTable deconstructor is called when the Direct3D8Device is removed (in the deconstructor) they should not try to release the device or remove items from cache at this time.

There is also a new DeleteMe function added to each of these classes. This function is only used in the AddressLookupTable deconstructor. This function simply sets the CleanUpFlag to false and then deletes the class.

Palette updates

This change also fixes the palette issue with Need for Speed III. What is happening is that the game is calling SetCurrentTexturePalette with NULL palette peFlags. A NULL palette was allowed in IDirect3D8, see here. But as far as I can tell SetCurrentTexturePalette will crash in IDirect3D9 unless the peFlags are set to PC_NOCOLLAPSE. This site also seems to indicate that you must set peFlags to PC_NOCOLLAPSE.

This line is added in SetCurrentTexturePalette and SetPaletteEntries:

PaletteNumber = (PaletteNumber & 0xFFF) | (PC_NOCOLLAPSE << 12);

Other comments

There are a number of advantages to these changes:

  1. It eliminates the need to keep track of the reference counter for all classes, meaning the reference count in d3d8to9 will always be in sync with Direct3D9.
  2. It simplifies the code in several places, like when a device is being created or a texture is being set.
  3. It better simulates how Direct3D9 works by allowing the classes to remain active until the device gets removed.
  4. It improves multi-threaded application support since it removes the CurrentRenderTarget and CurrentDepthStencilSurface variables which are not thread safe.

In addition these changes it completely resolves all issues in Need for Speed III.


For all of these changes I have tested them extensively with the following Direct3D8 games to ensure that there are no ill side-effects:

PatrickvL commented 7 years ago

Well done! However, these function names are a bit confusing. Better use a term like "HostResource" or something along those lines

elishacloud commented 6 years ago

Good point! The names were confusing. I changed the names as follows:

I also changed the name of the files to lookup_table.cpp and lookup_table.h and moved these to the 'helpers' folder in the Visual Studio project.

My comments above have been modified to use the new names as well. These changes should make the code easier to read.

Note: I did not want to use the word 'Resource' since that has a very specific meaning in a Visual Studio project.

PatrickvL commented 6 years ago


About the bugfix - since DeleteDirect3D previously called GetDirect3D, the test-results need to be revisited too, right?

elishacloud commented 6 years ago

You are right I did not go back and retest all the games again after this last change. I just did a quick smoke test on Need for Speed III. However I am not too worried about the issue I fixed with DeleteDirect3D causing any issues since that function is not actually used. It is only called if the class is deleted separately from the DeleteMe function, which currently does not happen. If needed I can go back and retest all the games again. :)

elishacloud commented 6 years ago

I fixed an issue with VolumeTexture and CubeTexture I did not notice before and did a quick test of the 10 games again to ensure everything is working ok.

crosire commented 6 years ago

I started a review and made some comments, but am not sure if you saw them.

elishacloud commented 6 years ago

I am not seeing any of your comments for some reason. Where should I be looking?

crosire commented 6 years ago

Whoops. Forgot to click that big "Submit" button.

elishacloud commented 6 years ago

Great ideas! I made the requested changes.

crosire commented 6 years ago

FYI, I modified the code slightly so it uses templates instead of a bunch of function overloads to reduce code size/redundancy a bit.