cross-solution / YAWIK

YAWIK is a web application. It can be used as an ATS applicant tracking system or as a jobboard.
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Possible to run YAWIK in a subdirectory (not in document root)? #177

Closed utrenkner closed 8 years ago

utrenkner commented 8 years ago

My first tests seem to indicate "no", but then I was not using Apache - I am not sure if the supplied .htaccess file would solve the problem.

My goal would be to have YAWIK run at: https://mydomain/jobs

Is this feasible? Do I have to change the routing in YAWIK?

cbleek commented 8 years ago

Yes, it's possible to run yawik in a subdirectory. Our demo is running in a "subdir" /demo/.

In our demo we are simply setting an alias in the apaches VirtualHost section

Alias /demo "/your/directory/YAWIK/public/"

TiSiE commented 8 years ago

A change in routing should not be necessary.

Please consider: Running YAWIK (or any other web application) in a subdirectory should always use some sort of aliasing or symlinking the "public"-Directory and keeping the OTHER application resources out of the document root for security reasons.

utrenkner commented 8 years ago

My problem is: Without Apache, these .htaccess-Rewrites are not executed, obviously

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI}::$1 ^(/.+)(.+)::\2$
RewriteRule ^(.*) - [E=BASE:%1]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ %{ENV:BASE}index.php [NC,L]

But it is these rewrites that seem to influence the basepath() used throughout the viewscripts.

I have configured an h2o-Server so that /mydir/YAWIK/public is accessed via http://mydomain/jobs

But without these rewrites every link in YAWIK is written from the Docroot and I end up with things like http://mydomain/en/jobs instead of http://mydomain/jobs/en

When I explicitly request the index.php http://mydomain/jobs/index.php it correctly redirects to http://mydomain/jobs/index.php/en But I get a 404 (with all links to CSS etc. starting from the Documentroot instead of starting from /jobs ).

Without Apache: Is there any way to influence the behaviour of basebath() to take /jobs into account? How would it work on e.g. nginx?

utrenkner commented 8 years ago

I have reached the next step - but not fully there yet: I found out that the basepath works like this

And thanks to AllVince ( ), by putting this in the config:

'view_manager' => array(
    'base_path' => '/path/'

I was able to get it to work, IF I enter the address with the index.php: http://mydomain/jobs/index.php But every further link in YAWIK includes, of course, the index.php in the path... not too beautiful.

Therefore, I still need a fix for the initial redirect from http://mydomain/jobs to http://mydomain/en/jobs As the basepath is fixed only for the view_manager, there must be something else, that triggers the initial redirect and which does not take the new basepath into account.

So, how can I set the basepath for the whole application?

utrenkner commented 8 years ago

The above mentioned configuration DID NOT after all solve my problem. It actually did not seem to do anything.

A thorough inspection of zend-mvc and zend-http got me on the right track: The path was not correctly set due to this line in php.ini cgi.fix_pathinfo=0

Setting it to cgi.fix_pathinfo=1 solved my problem. No I can access https://mydomain/jobs correctly!

Sorry for all the confusion. Maybe I will find the time to write-up a short how-to for how to install YAWIK on FreeBSD using PHP-FPM and H2O (should work very similary for PHP-FPM and Nginx or with Apache and the event or worker MPM-model)

cbleek commented 8 years ago


thank you for debugging. We'll take a look, what exact is the problem with the PATH_INFO, when running in CGI Mode.

Please keep in mind security issues, when setting the fix_pathinfo in php.ini.



TiSiE commented 8 years ago

As a workaround to not set potential risky php ini values, you can try to set the base path manually in an onBootstrap hook in a Module.php:

public function onBootstrap(\Zend\Mvc\MvcEvent $e) 
        $app            = $e->getApplication();
        // Load base url from config. (Using a basepath.local.php file in config/autoload e.g.)
        $config         = $app->getConfiguration();
        $baseUrl        = $config['baseUrl'];
        $basePathHelper = $app->getServiceManager()->get('viewRenderer')->plugin('basePath');
        /* @var $basePathHelper \Zend\View\Helper\BasePath */