crossbario / crossbar - WAMP application router
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Feature list and doc deep links #1135

Open oberstet opened 6 years ago

oberstet commented 6 years ago

I have assembled a list of CB features (still not complete, but more complete than anything we have right now). Can we integrate that into the docs? At a central, easily found location. With each feature a deep link into the respective doc location for that feature and/or at exmples in crossbarexamples (though the latter would ideally be only linked on the deep linked doc page - if there is one).

meejah commented 6 years ago

As for the deep-links I see that the "TOC" ( is now completely-exploded which is great!

It would probably also be good to make at least the "authentication" stuff linked "sideways" from other places, as that seems to be one of the "hard" ones for people to find.