crossbario / crossbar - WAMP application router
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Receiver black-whitelisting on authrole not working when run as router component #1396

Open tommas-factorylab opened 5 years ago

tommas-factorylab commented 5 years ago


Topic whitelisting between router components does not seem to work. I have a subscriber with role 'a' that is subscribed to topic 'uri'. If I then publish using the code below, the message is not received bu the subscriber: self.publish(u'uri', message, options=PublishOptions(eligible_authrole=[u'a']))

I would expect that my subscriber does receive the message. Is this correct?

tommas-factorylab commented 5 years ago

Furthermore, am I correct to think that it is not possible to include a specific auth_id of an excluded auth_role? The way I understand the RFC, once a subscriber is excluded in any way, it wont receive the message, even if the inclusion is more specific than the exclusion.. Is this correct?

oberstet commented 5 years ago

pls find a complete example here

tommas-factorylab commented 5 years ago


I am aware of the example provided, but in that case clients communicative via the router with each other. I am trying to get router components to communicate with each other via exclusion/inclusion, and this does not seem to be working as documented. Hence I suspect and issue.

The second question was an extra question that I have. I thought it would be better if a did not also start a question via the mailing list. If you prefer that, that is fine.

I would appreciate if you could reopen the issue.

oberstet commented 5 years ago

ok, sorry, the fact that you specifically refer to router components did get lost on me;) the example could be easily expanded by adding a 2nd node config that loads the example components, or a 3rd config that loads the components in a container worker. because those are the actual technical options.

in general, router components should only be used for dynamic authenticators/authorizers, not general app components. and even those, better run in container workers if security and robustness concerns are overweighted vs ("first request") performance