crossbario / crossbar - WAMP application router
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Provide recent arm64 Docker containers #2040

Closed aparcar closed 1 year ago

aparcar commented 1 year ago

Hi, your docker containers seem fairly outdated for arm64, am I missing something?

oberstet commented 1 year ago

yeah, true:( we have build scripts for both, but it still needs to be run manually - and it takes a long time, and I am lazy and impatient. anyways, I've started the builds, and - if everything works - should be done ready for upload tomorrow .. I'll post here

oberstet commented 1 year ago

btw, we also have snaps! which are quite nice, in particular for embedded stuff. but those are manually triggered as well. we need to automate all this .. anyways, here

Bildschirmfoto von 2022-07-31 02-55-12

oberstet commented 1 year ago

here you go: docker run --rm crossbario/crossbar:cpy-slim-arm64v8-22.7.1.dev1 version

the published image is: crossbario/crossbar:cpy-slim-arm64v8-22.7.1.dev1@sha256:cbe1292c3803404a5702224142b711737644ac4483d0d711b1afb18b3eaf09a9

Bildschirmfoto von 2022-07-31 13-56-58

note: this is cpy/arm64. the pypy/arm64 build currently has some issue: