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RLink Forwarding Issue #2080

Open Skully17 opened 1 year ago

Skully17 commented 1 year ago

Fix for #2079

oberstet commented 10 months ago

alright, GH is confusing me:

  1. since this PR is older than 90 days, the logs have been deleted by GH
  2. because of this issue, one cannot then restart the PR from the GH web UI to generate new log
  3. because of that, I create a completely new PR branching from this PR here
  4. the CI is now running on this new PR

... BUT:

this PR above now also shows the CI as running even though the PRs are 2 different PRs.

mmmh. my best bet is that the CI integration in GH only looks at the actual code changes, no matter on what PR those are carried.

anyways;) we'll see what happens. I actually wanted to check the reasons for the failed CI steps in this PR to get work going again-

oberstet commented 10 months ago

superseded by (but preserving history)