crossbario / crossbar - WAMP application router
2.05k stars 275 forks source link down #2085

Open Bastian-Krause opened 11 months ago

Bastian-Krause commented 11 months ago seems to be unreachable.

artshade commented 11 months ago seems to be unreachable.

It looks like the domain was updated on 2023-07-14_02_50_56_0 and perhaps the DNS records were removed, including A one(s), therefore ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED and not DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN in particular.

Update (2023-07-27_14-39_00_0)

Evidently, now the domain results in DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN.


The current DNS settings:

$ resolvectl status | grep -1 'DNS Server';
  resolv.conf mode: foreign
Current DNS Server:
       DNS Servers:

         Protocols: +DefaultRoute +LLMNR -mDNS -DNSOverTLS DNSSEC=no/unsupported
Current DNS Server:
       DNS Servers:

I sincerely hope the developers are in good and healthy... and everything is alright there...

ivanov17 commented 11 months ago

It looks like the corporate site is also unavailable 🤔

meejah commented 11 months ago

I myself do not know the status of the corporate entity "CrossbarIO" but there is still work and releases happening, including from Tobias, as far as I can see...

oberstet commented 10 months ago

Hi all, sorry, missed this issue. correct, the company is no more. while the company was ultimately a commercial failure, this project is OSS, so it "continues". and yes, I am also still working on the tech, actually, there are still some "final gaps" in the original WAMP effort left to complete, such as end-to-end encryption and router-to-router links. whether there will be enough interest from users and contributors only time will tell. Personally, I am looking for paid gigs or projects;) Cheers, /Tobias

ecorm commented 10 months ago

Might I suggest that a snapshot of the generated documentation be uploaded to the Wiki page of this repo?

oberstet commented 10 months ago

yeah! docs;)

IMO it would be best to just publish to RTD, and the docs is already technically prepared for that, as it is in ReST format and Sphinx generated

readingtype commented 10 months ago

yeah! docs;)

Here is what I did on my dev box to get the docs locally:

mkdir crossbario cd crossbario git clone mkdir crossbar/html_docs python3 -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate python -m pip install sphinx python -m pip install sphinxcontrib-spelling python -m pip install sphinxcontrib-images sphinx-build -b html crossbar/docs crossbar/html_docs/ [I also statically defined version in lin 33 as I was too lazy to fix the import of crossbar :-\ ]

oberstet commented 10 months ago

yes, one piece of the docs can be built

pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
make docs
make docs_run

then open http://localhost:8090/ ...

I also statically defined version in lin 33

yes, python dependency management is a nightmare. spent too many hours on this crap, I am fed up. Rust and cargo is a dream;)

**removing the dependency of docs to crossbar itself .. yes, we could cheat and just read the version via direct file access. anyways;)***

the docs are unfort. a bit of a mess and split among

fabianoengler commented 4 months ago

hi guys, this is sad, i really liked the project and i still have some projects in production using it, but it's hard to justify picking up crossbar for any new projects with a so uncertain future.

links for are everywhere, including on the github projects, readmes, etc.

even if the project can continue being OSS only, having the main site down like this leaves a very bad taste, feels the project is abandoned and doesn't inspire confidence for anyone to chose to rely on crossbar for any projects. I feel like leaving the site down is the last nail on the coffin of any chance of the project survive as OSS.

i trust you guys still have ownership/control of the dns domain right? i'd suggest to put at least something out there, even if just a link to github pages or if you guys are pressed on time i could offer some spare hours to help with that, lmk if interested.

waterbug commented 4 months ago

Hi all, I'm also sad about the disappearance of ... I do sympathize with Tobias's complaints about marketing vs. technical excellence, sadly a fact of life in business for at least 50 years now, and I myself would certainly not have the constitution to lead a technical startup to success ... that said, I agree with the comment that the OSS project needs to have a permanent main web site to survive and have credibility esp. for new users, and I would try to help out as well. My interest in the crossbar/autobahn OSS project succeeding is substantial because I have an in-house project at NASA / Goddard for which crossbar/autobahn is THE network infrastructure -- my software is used in our Mission Design Lab to enable an interdisciplinary team of engineers to collaborate in real-time on the development of a spacecraft design for a new mission concept ... I hope Tobias is listening because he recently posted in another github crossbar thread that he liked a youtube video about "NASA | Thermonuclear Art" that was actually produced by NASA / Goddard, where I work ... :) My software has not yet completed the NASA process for release as OSS (the process is very cumbersome :P -- but that's another story) ... but when my software is finally released open source it will be a major stumbling block if the crossbar/autobahn project is crippled or -- perish the thought! -- has ceased to exist. (Something that actually happened to me with a previous application I developed that depended on the brilliant but ill-fated "pyjamas" project ... :P ).

oberstet commented 4 months ago

thanks guys! for your comments and perspective. couple of personal comments:

I agree that the project deserves reactivation of the website - and yes, the domain/rights are still there .. I just couldn't make up the time to do "something" .. I have sunk so many hours into all of it, and tbh, I had to sort out things first, make up my mind, and also have to organize bucks to make a living

"NASA | Thermonuclear Art" that was actually produced by NASA / Goddard, where I work ... :)

oh, really? that is awesome!!! =)

I absolutely love that series of videos plus the sound. tbh, I have spent quite some hours with it. these videos indeed made me get into a topic I hadn't been much into ever before: space and astrophysics. I also got "addicted" to lectures on Gresham collegue by Katherine Blundell OBE =) pretty nice, entertaining and easy to follow for a complete newbie / random idiot like me;)

in fact, this is embedded in the "new plan" I am currently starting .. what I mean the plan beyond "make some bucks for living" which I also need to solve.

the new plan is roughly to create hardware, exactly as I am interested in and how I think it should be done, don't care about "the world" and only possibly sell via crowdfunding

of course this will include WAMP, Autobahn and, but it is not the primary entry point

the "entry point" is: the electromagnetic spectrum, SDR, cognitive radio, and such, and I nailed down 2 frequency ranges I am designing for

a) 400 MHz to 3 GHz b) 4 to 30 MHz

I am working on a), and after getting some basics of RF and creating working antenna models in openEMS, I am now trying to get my first PCB made;)

b) will only come later ... I need a HAM license also ... and with that range, I am pretty thrilled by the possibilities of NVIS HF!

and that is where all the ionosphere and solar stuff comes into play of course!

but anyways, that's only "phase 2"

the a) thing I've got a wideband UHF two element phased array model working now ... and that was a lot trickier than I originally thought ... the wideband thing and a lot more

but openEMS now shows good results .. and I even got a real HW VNA now! this is all new to me ... I left RF aged 12 when I got into "digital" .. and have been there all my life .. so RF is a complete change of perspective .. eg "RF zero" is anything better than -10dB ... I was socialized with "there is only one 0" and "every field has exactly one neutral element" ... very different mindset;)

anyways, once I have it working in physical form, I'll write a blog post at least ..

eyepex commented 1 month ago

The Website can be viewed on the WaybackMachine with all the docs from the last snapshot:

Please change the readme and the project website link to reflect the actual status of the project.

I got really sad, when i found out. I was just reasearching the possibilities for a company to adopt labgrid for end-to-end testing of embedded systems. It depends on crossbar. Seeing this repo without a proper website in the dependencies is a bad taste, although it has so many contributers. Farewell, lets hope it gets picked up.

colmaengus commented 1 month ago

This is very sad. I've been using Crossbar for many years and its a super technology. Thanks @oberstet for all your innovation and hard work and hopefully Crossbar and Autobahn will continue to live on in the community.

oberstet commented 1 month ago

Thanks @oberstet for all your innovation and hard work and hopefully Crossbar and Autobahn will continue to live on in the community.

Thanks!! This is nice to hear=) And yeah, me and contributors to, Autobahn and WAMP spent countless hours making it great. And it did innovate. And it continues to do so. E.g. work on WAMP, contributions to Autobahn (eg Python), and - less often, but still .. - on as well.

Personally, there is a big grain of salt .. the world is not rewarding as I would like it to be .. well, that's life;) FWIW, I have expanded my journey into "hardware" ... of course WAMP based hardware.

Seeing this repo without a proper website in the dependencies is a bad taste, although it has so many contributers. Farewell, lets hope it gets picked up.

Sorry, I understand! Farewell, all the best! Personally, no incentive, I don't need "docs" - no surprise, I wrote a lot of the code and started WAMP ;)