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Draw figures for authentication and cookie handling #760

Open goeddea opened 8 years ago

goeddea commented 8 years ago

from @oberstet

Draw figures from these sketches in LibreOffice Draw / Inkskape:

migrated from

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meejah commented 8 years ago

Might be worth looking at seqdiag for this; not sure how easy it would be to get it to spit out custom colors/styling etc. but ...

oberstet commented 8 years ago

I think, for now, we should restrict "figures" in the CB docs here to be ASCII art, like we have for the WAMP spec eg.

IOW: there must not be image file types in this repo (like png, jpg or svg).

meejah commented 8 years ago

There's also this: which turns ASCII drawings into PNGs etc. I haven't used it, but seqdiag ( is nice and simple (there's also a Sphinx plugin) and should be really good for drawing the linked diagrams and fulfilling the "no PNGs in the repo" requirement :)

That is, we'd put the seqdiag source in the repo and build the images from it (seqdiag looks a lot like GrahpViz/dot syntax).

matthewh commented 6 years ago

@oberstet @meejah The original links from @goeddea are no longer working. Where are they now?

I'll go out on a limb and say Where are the sketches?