crossplane-contrib / provider-aws

Crossplane AWS Provider
Apache License 2.0
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Leaked `RouteTable` due to eventually consistent `DescribeRouteTables` API #802

Closed dee0 closed 3 years ago

dee0 commented 3 years ago

What happened?

After deleting a composite and waiting, with kubectl wait, for all of the referenced api objects to be deleted, managed resources still existed in AWS. This is a problem for us because this wait logic is a gate used to delay deletion of our k8s cluster. If the managed resources in AWS aren't cleaned up by the time we are done waiting they will most likely end up orphaned. ( We are seeing this often )

How can we reproduce it?

Here is the clean up logic we are performing before allowing the cluster to be deleted

Get all CompositeResourceDefinition
For each CompositeResourceDefinition
  If .spec.claimNames.kind
    Get all claims of .spec.claimNames.kind
    For claim
      Get resource refs
      Delete claim
    Wait for all resources to be deleted
  For each composition of .spec.names.kind
    Get resource refs
    Delete composition
    Wait for all resources to be deleted
Get all managed resources ( kubectl get managed )
  For each managed resource
    Delete managed resource

We expect that once we have run through the above steps all managed resources have been deleted from AWS. However this doesn't seem to be the case.

In the attached zip are example

Also in the zip is events-for-vpc-14449-d66-dmi.xlsx which shows the events around one of the leaked VPC.

At line 81 you can see the first event from my team's clean up code. By line 31, all of the resources related to the VPC have been cleaned up from k8s. There is nothing left for our clean up code to delete or wait for. Our last attempt to wait for a resources to be cleaned up is about 9 seconds after the last event for the VPC in CloudTrails. Given all of the deletion attempts that failed with Client.DependencyViolation I am wondering if Crossplane has given up. ( And why are all those failures there in the first place? ) Anyhoo once our cleanup code has nothing left to wait for cluster Gardener is free to begin with the cluster deletion. You can see at line 28, about 45 seconds after my team's clean up code finished, where it begins taking destructive action. It starts with simply going through the api server and deleting all CRD that it can find. Since Gardener is just blindly deleting things if the AWS resources haven't been cleaned up at this point it is highly likely they are going to be orphaned.

What environment did it happen in?

crossplane:v1.2.2 aws provider provider-aws:v0.18.1 kubernetes 1.19.10

dee0 commented 3 years ago

So the data that I provided when I opened this defect was collected from logs from a CI/CD pipeline.

A short while ago I performed a manual test where I I had better ability to collect logs.

I deleted a claim and all of the API objects except the composition were deleted from k8s. The last conditions for the composition are conditions:

However at least at the moment if I try to delete the VPC in the AWS console the dialog indicates that it will be deleted and these resources will also be deleted rtb-07856e5a4ef84b858 rtb-0d6436f64d2c69c98 Note I have seen the case where there are dependent resources that cannot actually be deleted. In that case the AWS console tells you upfront you won't be able to delete the VPC while the dependencies exist. So my current case is really not the same as that.

That said, CloudTrails shows that Crossplane is still trying to delete the VPC and the delete attempts are failing with Client.DependencyViolation.

Those two dependent resources above are a couple of un-named route tables. Not sure why they are there.

While I am not familiar with the AWS api, at the moment I am thinking that there is a Crossplane bug where either

dee0 commented 3 years ago

I examined a teammate's deploy and I see there are 3 named route tables, clearly from the composition, and one nameless one. At the moment I don't understand where these nameless route tables are coming from or why my deployment had two while my teammate's had only one.
In any case, it seems these nameless routetables are some how related to the problem we are seeing.

dee0 commented 3 years ago

The application of the claim happens with in k8s job. I just thought to check the logs of this job for both my teammate's deployment and mine.

I see in my teammate's deployment the job ran once. However in my deployment it ran twice. The first run failed while the second succeeded. The log for my deployment's first run ends with

+ /bin/kubectl apply -f /deployment-data/claim.yaml created
+ /bin/kubectl wait '--timeout=900s' '--for=condition=Ready' -n mc-provisioner VPC vpc-mc-i540621-dmi
Error from server (InternalError): an error on the server ("") has prevented the request from succeeding

The log for the second run ends with

+ /bin/kubectl apply -f /deployment-data/claim.yaml unchanged
+ /bin/kubectl wait '--timeout=900s' '--for=condition=Ready' -n mc-provisioner VPC vpc-mc-i540621-dmi condition met

That failure of the first run is something we have been seeing since we started using Crossplane but we have been ignoring since k8s always re-runs the job until there is success and it usually takes at most 3 tries to achieve this.

Am wondering now if the fact that my deployment has two unexpected, at least to me, nameless route tables associated with the VPC while my teammate's deployment just has one is somehow related to the circumstances around the job running multiple times. Say possibly the error from the API server also causes Crossplane to do something that causes the extra nameless route table to be created or us applying the claim multiple times causes it even though kubectl is reporting that unchanged on the second run.

dee0 commented 3 years ago

Hmm, just looked at CloudTrails events for vpc-14449-d66-dm ( the ci/cd case ) and vpc-0623d044576ddef33 ( my manual case ) and I think either there are two different problems or the nameless route tables are irrevevant.

In the case of vpc-14449-d66-dm only 3 route tables ( the expected number given the xrd ) were created while in the case of my manual those nameless route tables are hanging around.

hasheddan commented 3 years ago

@dee0 are the "nameless" route tables being created by another process? provider-aws not force deleting dependent resources is by design -- we encourage management of all resources via Crossplane, and we do not want to delete resources that are not under Crossplane's management in any scenario.

dee0 commented 3 years ago

@hasheddan The nameless routes are not being created by another process, they are being created by Crossplane. The timing, user id, client ip etc for the create event in CloudTrails indicate this.

dee0 commented 3 years ago

Wonder if this could be related at all to either or the various issues linked from the discussion of that issue.

dee0 commented 3 years ago

Aws provider log for my manual test ( the one involving vpc-mc-i540621-dmi ) i540621-dmi-aws-provider.log

dee0 commented 3 years ago

Btw the problem of leaked resources, whatever the cause(s), happens often but not always. A cluster I was comparing against yesterday was successfully cleaned up this morning.

jbw976 commented 3 years ago

It would be interesting to understand more about the unexpected / "nameless" RouteTables before any attempt is made to delete resources and clean the cluster up. I want to see if we can find early on, before deletions come into play, if there are any leaked or untracked resources.

For any unexpected RouteTable, can you confirm:

dee0 commented 3 years ago

@jbw976 I'll try to get the answers as soon as I can. Btw in regards to the 1st question, is running kubectl get managed -A equivalent? I ask because I can say for sure that the nameless route tables don't show up in that output.

dee0 commented 3 years ago

Spent the last while reviewing about VPC in AWS, 7 orphaned and the rest in use. All 7 seem to match the pattern I reported when I opened this defect. That is

None of the VPC, orphaned otherwise, have nameless route tables associated with them.

So I am still of the opinion that we have two, at least, ways that VPC are being orphaned. One where we run out of things to wait on and yet the VPC hasn't been removed from AWS and one where nameless route tables prevent deletion.

dee0 commented 3 years ago

A word on the nameless routebables. Looks like there should be at least one associated with each VPC

Not sure how we ended up with two nameless route tables though. I did just performed a deploy where there was no problems and I saw that when I looked at the details of the single nameless route table associated with my VPC there something that said it was the 'main' route table. If/when I see the case of multiple nameless routetables I'll look at the both more carefully to try and understand what the diff between them is.

That said, I would like to re-iterate that I think there are two different cases we are dealing with

I would also like to ask again, why does Crossplane make so many failed attempts to delete the VPC even in the success case?

dee0 commented 3 years ago

We have made some changes so that we can capture debug logs from Crossplane. The spreadsheet in the attached zip contains log data from kibana - This has the debug logging from Crossplane jenkins - This contains messages showing the clean up activity cloudtrail - This shows the events from AWS perspective

Each of the above is in its own worksheet and there is also a worksheet that combines the logs from all 3 sources.

The clocks are a little out of sync so the messages in the combined tab aren't 100% in the correct order. e.g. The clocks for the cluster and jenkins are about 1/10 second out of sync.

In the combined worksheet the first deletion message is at line 24, 2021-07-22 02:33:27.457 cluster time. Here's where you can see clocks are out of sync cause it proceeds the delete from the Jenkins log.

By line 554, 2021-07-22 02:35:29.990 jenkins time, our attempts to perform a controlled cleanup have completed.

As I mentioned near the beginning of this, it seems to me the problem is down to our clean up code not being able to accurately see what is happening with the VPC.

Looking at the 'combined' worksheet :

At line 33, 2021-07-22 02:33:27.522 jenkins time, we delete the claim vpc-mc-14814-2e1-dmi.

At line 34, 2021-07-22 02:33:27.522 jenkins time, we try to wait for the managed resource VPC vpc-mc-14814-2e1-dmi-ftm9p-9k8gb.

At line 36, 2021-07-22 02:33:28.000 jenkins time, you can see this failed with a 'resource not found' error.

However we can see from log messages a couple of minutes later the VPC still exists in AWS and Crossplane is still trying to delete it. e.g. Line 504, 2021-07-22 02:35:24.000 AWS time

So I think our problems begins with kubernetes/crossplane returning that 'not found' error when we tried to wait on vpc-mc-14814-2e1-dmi-ftm9p-9k8gb. <!-- @hasheddan Think this is the bug

Some other things of note in the combined tab

One last thing. By line 554, 2021-07-22 02:35:29.990 jenkins time, our attempts clean things up nicely have ended and clean up is turned over to Gardner. As mentioned before Gardener tries to delete everything it can find via the cluster api server. So after this you point you will see chaos.

dee0 commented 3 years ago

Just checked another case of leaked resource and I see pattern.

Btw for each of these cases we are only creating one VPC. So it isn't the case that get managed is returning some VPC other than the one we deleted.

dee0 commented 3 years ago

@hasheddan @jbw976 Have a couple more pieces of info

So as I said a while ago, seems like we are running into multiple problems. While my team can address the name collision problem easily enough I am not so sure about the extraneous route table.

dee0 commented 3 years ago

In the attached zip are

The extra route table was created at about July 29, 2021, 09:58:23 (UTC-07:00)

dee0 commented 3 years ago

grep -Pi route.*created kibana.csv Turns up 4 events indicating successful creation of route tables ( expect only 3 ). There are two events for vpc-mc-i540621-dmi-ds67r-k6xxz, maybe that is a clue?

dee0 commented 3 years ago

In the attached zip are log messages that I have extracted from kibana.csv ( see above ) and normalized for comparison

I normalized contents of these files by removing the timestamps, replacing the last portion of the route table name with 'tableid' and by replacing the values for resourceVersion with v1, v2, ....

Comparing the files I see

negz commented 3 years ago

I'm thinking the spurious RouteTable creation could be a race in the relevant controller. RouteTables are one of the resources where we rely on the being set to determine whether we've created the desired RouteTable or not per the below code:

The flow is:

  1. Observe is called. It reports that the RouteTable does not exist because the external-name annotation is unset.
  2. Create is called. It sends a CreateRouteTableRequest then sets the external-name annotation.

You could imagine a race where 1. is called twice before 2. succeeds. I would imagine in this case we would:

  1. Reconcile A determines no external-name is set, so calls CreateRouteTableRequest.
  2. Reconcile B determines no external-name is set, so calls CreateRouteTableRequest.
  3. Reconcile A sets the external-name.
  4. Reconcile B tries to set the external-name, but is rejected by the API server because the resource has changed.

That said, I'm pretty sure we're running with MaxConcurrentReconciles = 1 so it's not clear to me how we'd even have two reconciles happening at once.

dee0 commented 3 years ago

Fwiw we haven't done anything to increase the concurrency.

Have been tracing through the code to see where an extra event might come from or where they might be allowed through. I up to the the point where the rate limiting queue receives events. Haven't seen anything yet.

Btw my background is mostly with C++ and Java and with those languages I am used to having a thread id in log messages. That takes away a lot of the mystery when diagnosing problems of concurrency. Is there a way we can enable that for goroutines? Just thinking of how we might confirm your theory.

dee0 commented 3 years ago

@negz If you haven't already would you please use a visual diff tool ( e.g. winmerge on Windows ) to compare vpc-mc-i540621-dmi-ds67r-k6xxz-events.txt and vpc-mc-i540621-dmi-ds67r-pxd9x-events.txt? ( See my post a bit earlier today )

Am hoping you will recognize something I do not, something that confirms your theory.

negz commented 3 years ago

@dee0 The fact that k6xxz has two CreatedExternalResource calls, each at a different resourceVersion, supports my theory above. That said, I would also expect to have seen a "the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again" error immediately after the second create. I note that we do have one of those in the logs but it appears to pertain to updating the resource's status - i.e. it says "cannot update managed resource status" - where I'd instead expect the error to instead be prefixed with "cannot update managed resource".

dee0 commented 3 years ago

Checked the log and confirmed the workcount for the routetable controler is 1

"2021-07-29T16:58:02.288Z","2021-07-29T16:58:02.288Z INFO controller-runtime.manager.controller.managed/ Starting workers {""reconciler group"": """", ""reconciler kind"": ""RouteTable"", ""worker count"": 1}"

dee0 commented 3 years ago

@hasheddan @negz I think I might have a clue about how the scenario Nic described is happening.

In the attached zip is a file where I have taken the log messages related to the problematic managed resource vpc-mc-i540621-dmi-ds67r-k6xxz- and

Note: The order of the messages logs collected from Kibana aren't exactly in the right order because messages are sent as datagrams to Kibana. I was able to fix the order by sorting the messages on the timestamp that was part of the original log message.

Anyhoo with the order corrected I see that when the first route table is created for vpc-mc-i540621-dmi-ds67r-k6xxz Reconcile first reports a resource version id of 34683 and then 35015.
However when the second route table for vpc-mc-i540621-dmi-ds67r-k6xxz is created Reconcile first reports the resource id is 35012 and then 35017.

So it seems show how in the later call to Reconcile it fetched an out of date version of the RouteTable vpc-mc-i540621-dmi-ds67r-k6xxz.

Please review the log messages from 2021-07-29T16:58:22.982Z to 2021-07-29T16:58:23.780Z to confirm I am not misreading things.

dee0 commented 3 years ago

Been reading through the code and at the moment I think the problem is with the caching. In the log I uploaded in my last post this is the problematic revision sequence 34683 // provider-aws log message 35015 // message 35012 // provider-aws log message <!-- problem 35017 // message

The provider-aws messages use data from a managed resource object filled by a call to client.Get which uses the cache. The message messages use a managed resource object that has been updated by the response to client.Update. Looking at the code for client.Update I see it doesn't update the cache.

I'll try and sort out when the cache actually does get updated to see why this problem doesn't happen all the time for us.

dee0 commented 3 years ago

Think I see where the concurrency problem comes from.

There are 5 categories of goroutines involved in processing resource events. (1) Reflector::Run Observes resources in API server and pushes deltas it detects into DeltaFifo. Updates the cache approximately 800ms There are one of these for each managed resource type.

(2) sharedIndexInformer::Run Pops updates from DeltaFifo and pushes notifications to the channel processorListener:addCh There are one of these for each managed resource type.

(3) processorListener:pop Picks updates to addCh and pushes them to channel processorListener:nextCh, possibly buffering them in an expanding circular buffer first. There are one of these for each managed resource type.

(4) processListener:run Picks up items from processorListener:nextCh and for each generates a ReconcileRequest which it adds to the rateLimitingType which is the Controller's Queue. A ReconcileRequest just contains a namespace qualified name. There are one of these for each managed resource type.

(5) Controller's workers Processes ReconcileRequest as they become available in Controller's Queue. Fetches resource items from the cache updated by goroutine (1). Blocks until there are updates from goroutine (1) that hasn't been picked up by (2). There is just one of these.

So here is what is happening

I think ideally controller-runtime would utilize a write-through cache. At the moment I suspect that would be major surgery. Not sure, but perhaps the Reconciler could detect this situation and requeue the request.

dee0sap commented 3 years ago

@hasheddan @negz Think this may be what happened with the reconciles

  1. Version 34625 in cache. Requeued because vpcId could not be resolved.
  2. Version 34626 in cache. Requeued because vpcId could not be resolved. Not sure what was changed between 34625 and 34626.
  3. Version 34626 in cache. Requeued because natGateWayId could not be resolved. Probably this is just the requeue from step 2. Note vpcId resolved.
  4. Version 34683 in cache. Requeued because natGateWay could not be resolved.
  5. Version 34683 in cache. This is probably the requeue from step 4 above. Reference resolution completed which means resource updated in the API server which means another change event. New version is < 35015 ( see below ) resource in API server updated with external reference producing version 35015
  6. Version 35012 in cache. External name is not set in 35012. 35012 is probably just the result of reference resolution in reconcile number 5

Read through the code yesterday and maybe adding a right through cache isn't as big of a job as I thought. Still pretty big, but not as big. :)

dee0sap commented 3 years ago

negz asked me to write up some of the options that have been floated for fixing this problem.

dee0sap commented 3 years ago

Another bandaid option

Instead of having ResolveReferences update the managed object in kubernetes have it return all of the external ids of the references if they are available. If they are not then requeue as is done today.

Then just set them on the managed object when setting the external-name.

negz commented 3 years ago

I'm going to self assign this in the (possibly optimistic) hope that I'll get some time to look into this next week. I'm also moving it to the crossplane-runtime repo, since that's where the offending code lives.

negz commented 3 years ago

Currently I'm trying to reproduce this issue. If I can, I’m thinking of leveraging the optimistic concurrency control we get on writes to the API server to try to address the issue. For the handful of RouteTable-like resources we have I’m hoping we could change the flow to be:

  1. Write an annotation like $timestamp to the relevant resource.
  2. Create the resource in the external API (e.g. AWS).
  3. Persist the annotation like we do today.

This won’t prevent us from leaking external resources with non-deterministic IDs, because that’s pretty much impossible to prevent AFAICT. It’s always possible that we’ll error out while persisting the external-name annotation and need to requeue. However by writing an annotation before we try create we can guarantee that we have the latest version of the (e.g.) RouteTable because the API server will fail the write if we don’t. We can also avoid transparently creating the RouteTable twice and at least warn the user that we potentially leaked one.

negz commented 3 years ago

@dee0sap do you have any tips on how I might reproduce this? I'm using the below XR and Composition that seem roughly the same as yours, but I'm yet to find a leaked route table.

dee0sap commented 3 years ago

@negz Yeah, your XR and composition seem the same ( at least at a glance )

Maybe it is a question of a scale? In our case this code is being run by

That said, at least in the case of the set of logs I sent you last, and that have spent the most time staring at, I saw that the route table had to be requeued at least a few times because the referenced resources ( vpc, natgateway ) weren't available yet. Not sure that is relevant or how you could force it to happen if it is.

Are you trying to reproduce the situation 'for real' or are you using mocks within a unit test?

negz commented 3 years ago

I believe I've reproduced this (for real) using the script above, applying leaktest.yaml against an AWS account. I didn't keep count, but I created and destroyed ~1,000 instances of the LeakTest over the course of ~10 hours. When I checked in this morning I notice two (of ~1,000) VPCs were not able to be deleted due to extra RouteTables. I need to confirm that these were created by Crossplane, but I expect they were.

dee0sap commented 3 years ago

Cool! :)

Btw I in our case the extra route tables

So I can spot suspects quickly just be looking for nameless, non-main, route tables. I then check for no tags and check cloud trails to see if the deployment user created it. If I see that then I know I am looking at a leak.

negz commented 3 years ago

That makes sense. I unfortunately don't have CloudTrail enabled so I can't use that to confirm, but these routes are missing tags. Missing tags makes sense because Crossplane actually adds tags after creation in an update pass for this particular resource. When you mention routes being nameless, are you referring to the "Name" tag?

dee0sap commented 3 years ago


See the screenshot. Think that is the same as the name tag but I am not sure.

negz commented 3 years ago

Hah. I looked all over in the console and somehow missed that column that was right in front of me. I just confirmed the name is indeed just the value of the Name tag.

negz commented 3 years ago

I'm pretty confident what we're seeing is actually eventual consistency in the AWS API. I do think the crossplane-runtime issue we identified is real, but I haven't actually observed it in practice. I noticed the following log lines while testing a potential fix (

2021-08-14T08:37:33.972Z        DEBUG   provider-aws    Successfully requested creation of external resource    {"controller": "managed/", "request": "/test-1-s6hcj", "uid": "ff9f2de0-866e-41d1-956a-6719578f15fb", "version": "221056", "external-name": ""}
2021-08-14T08:37:34.751Z        DEBUG   provider-aws    Successfully requested creation of external resource    {"controller": "managed/", "request": "/test-1-s6hcj", "uid": "ff9f2de0-866e-41d1-956a-6719578f15fb", "version": "221492", "external-name": "rtb-0673d041d56da694f"}

What's interesting about this is that the value of "external-name" is actually set before the Create call, and not updated after. So the second log line indicates that we already had our external name annotation set to rtb-0673d041d56da694f, but when we called the RouteTable Observe method it reported that that route table rtb-0673d041d56da694f did not exist. I suspected this could be due to the DescribeRouteTablesRequest AWS call sometimes lagging a little behind, and it appears that's the case. You can see in the below Terraform PR that they demonstrated the issue and built in some retries in order to wait for the route table to exist:

I suspect the fix here will be to add a reasonable amount of retries with exponential backoff around the DescribeRouteTablesRequest call in the RouteTable controller.

dee0sap commented 3 years ago

@negz I am sure on our side we are hitting the issue that fixes. So I wouldn't say it is hypothetical.

From the file vpc-mc-i540621-dmi-ds67r-k6xxz-events-with-times-order-fixed.csv, which I supplied some time ago, we have the sequence below. Note the resource versions and external-name values. When that second create is happening external-name isn't set. And this makes sense because when external-name was set originally that produced version 35015 but when the second create is happening Reconcile is working with 35012.

2021-07-29T16:58:22.982Z    DEBUG   provider-aws    Reconciling {""controller"": ""managed/"", ""request"": ""/vpc-mc-i540621-dmi-ds67r-k6xxz""}"
    2021-07-29T16:58:23.475Z    DEBUG   provider-aws    Successfully requested creation of external resource    {""controller"": ""managed/"", ""request"": ""/vpc-mc-i540621-dmi-ds67r-k6xxz"", ""uid"": ""db33bd1c-151e-499e-a3e6-7bbda6065d2a"", ""version"": ""34683"", ""external-name"": """"}"
    2021-07-29T16:58:23.475Z    DEBUG   Normal  {""object"": {""kind"":""RouteTable"",""name"":""vpc-mc-i540621-dmi-ds67r-k6xxz"",""uid"":""db33bd1c-151e-499e-a3e6-7bbda6065d2a"",""apiVersion"":"""",""resourceVersion"":""35015""}, ""reason"": ""CreatedExternalResource"", ""message"": ""Successfully requested creation of external resource""}"
2021-07-29T16:58:23.574Z    DEBUG   provider-aws    Reconciling {""controller"": ""managed/"", ""request"": ""/vpc-mc-i540621-dmi-ds67r-k6xxz""}"
    2021-07-29T16:58:23.780Z    DEBUG   provider-aws    Successfully requested creation of external resource    {""controller"": ""managed/"", ""request"": ""/vpc-mc-i540621-dmi-ds67r-k6xxz"", ""uid"": ""db33bd1c-151e-499e-a3e6-7bbda6065d2a"", ""version"": ""35012"", ""external-name"": """"}"
    2021-07-29T16:58:23.780Z    DEBUG   Normal  {""object"": {""kind"":""RouteTable"",""name"":""vpc-mc-i540621-dmi-ds67r-k6xxz"",""uid"":""db33bd1c-151e-499e-a3e6-7bbda6065d2a"",""apiVersion"":"""",""resourceVersion"":""35017""}, ""reason"": ""CreatedExternalResource"", ""message"": ""Successfully requested creation of external resource""}"
negz commented 3 years ago

@dee0sap Understood - thanks for pointing that out. I haven't been able to reproduce that particular variant yet but it does make sense that it's possible.

Adding a note here that the same eventually consistent AWS API issue appears to be affecting InternetGateways too - they just happen to not block deletion of the VPC. I noticed a bunch were building up during my testing, and confirmed that the Terraform folks have observed this too per

negz commented 3 years ago

Just dropping this link @chlunde found for posterity. It confirms the EC2 API is intended to be eventually consistent.