crossplane-contrib / provider-keycloak

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Improve ProviderConfigRef Secret #159

Open mircea-pavel-anton opened 6 days ago

mircea-pavel-anton commented 6 days ago

In the documentation, it is mentioned that additional fields supported by the upstream Terraform provider are supported.

I think that having the JSON structure to the connection secret is quite limiting. When I deploy Keycloak via the bitnami helm chart, for example, I need to provide a secret with the password. Having this in json format poses some challenges as to extracting and processing that data to format it nicely

I see that the Terraform provider also supports environment variables. That would be much better UX in allowing me to pick and choose keys from multiple sources (configmaps/secrets).

Is this supported?

Breee commented 6 days ago

Make an example please. One thing you have to keep in mind is, that a crossplane provider potentially can configure multiple keycloak instances. So a provider config is used for exactly one instance of keycloak. Just passing environment variables to the provider will not be good enough

mircea-pavel-anton commented 6 days ago

Sure thing!

I didn't mean injecting env vars into the provider deployment itself. I was talking more about restructuring the provider config credential secret into individual keys as opposed to a single json value, and I was referencing the names of the env vars to be used as keys as a possibility.

Currently, it is defined like this:

kind: ProviderConfig
  name: keycloak-provider-config
    source: Secret
      name: keycloak-credentials
      key: credentials
      namespace: crossplane-system
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: keycloak-credentials
  namespace: crossplane-system
    type: provider-credentials
type: Opaque
  credentials: |
      "username": "admin",
      "password": "admin",
      "url": "",
      "base_path": "/auth",
      "realm": "master"

However what I was proposing is the ability to define it either like this:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: keycloak-credentials
  namespace: crossplane-system
    type: provider-credentials
type: Opaque
      client_id: "admin-cli"
      username: "admin"
      password: "admin"
      url: ""
      base_path: "/auth"
      realm: "master"

Or like this:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: keycloak-credentials
  namespace: crossplane-system
    type: provider-credentials
type: Opaque
      KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID: "admin-cli"
      KEYCLOAK_USER: "admin"
      KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD: "admin"
      KEYCLOAK_URL: ""
      KEYCLOAK_BASE_PATH: "/auth"
      KEYCLOAK_REALM: "master

And then rearrange this data into the required format at runtime.

Additionally, sourcing these pieces of information from more than one source could be helpful. For example, having a configMap with the url, client id, realm name and base path and then a secret just with the password or client secret.