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Q4 CY2022 Docs Survey #252

Closed plumbis closed 1 year ago

plumbis commented 1 year ago

Related to #251 . The results should be organized and shared on the docs site and with the community.

plumbis commented 1 year ago


A 10 question survey focused on Crossplane documentation was conducted from November 28, 2002 through January 1, 2023. 24 survey responses were received.
The survey was anonymous, but participants were given the option of providing their email address to be contacted by Crossplane maintainers if they were okay with follow-up questions. These email address won't be shared unless a maintainer has a specific follow-up.

The survey was sent directly to 250 randomly selected Crossplane members on Slack and later posted on the landing page of


The survey asked the following questions.

1. How long have you been using Crossplane?

2. Do you use Crossplane in production?

3. Which Provider(s) do you use?
Multiple choices were allowed

4. How satisfied are you with the Crossplane documentation?

5. How important are docs on the following topics to you?
Rate each between 1 and 3 points. 1 point being "Not Important" and 3 being "Very Important"

6. Crossplane docs need more content on...
this is a freeform answer

7. I prefer documentation organized by...

8. The Crossplane topic I've struggled with most is....
this is a freeform answer

9. Imma let you finish but the best docs of all time were....
this is a freeform answer

10. Anything else we should know?
this is a freeform answer


1. How long have you been using Crossplane? (n=24) Question Responses %
Less than 6 months 18 75%
Between 6 months and 1 year 2 8.3%
More than 1 year 4 16.7%
2. Do you use Crossplane in production? (n=24) Question Responses %
No 16 66.7%
Yes 8 33.3%
3. Which Provider(s) do you use? (n=24)
Multiple choices were allowed
Question Responses %
AWS 19 41.3%
Azure 6 13%
GCP 7 15.2%
Helm 4 8.7%
Terraform 2 4.3%
Other 8 17.4%
Individual answers: Participant Answers
P24 AWS, Azure, GCP, Helm, Terraform
P23 Other, planning to build a new provider
P22 Azure
P20 AWS, k8s
P17 AWS, Azure, GCP, Terraform, SAP BTP
P15 Custom, self-written
P14 GCP, Helm, k8s
P12 AWS, GCP, Helm
P10 Azure
P9 AWS, datadog-jet
P7 AWS, Azure, Helm
P5 AWS, k8s
P4 AWS, Azure, GCP

4. How satisfied are you with the Crossplane documentation? (n=24)

Question Responses %
Unsatisfied 10 41.7%
Neither satisfied or unsatisfied 9 37.5%
Satisfied 5 20.8%

5. How important are docs on the following topics to you? (n=24)
Rate each between 1 and 3 points. 1 point being "Not Important" and 3 being "Very Important"

Question Total Score Average Score
Getting Started Guides 66 2.75
Install and Upgrade 65 2.71
Crossplane Components 66 2.75
Crossplane Packages 60 2.5
Reference Implementations 71 2.96
Provider Configurations 66 2.75
Integrating Crossplane with other software 52 2.17
Migrating to Crossplane from another platform 44 1.83
Troubleshooting 69 2.88

6. Crossplane docs need more content on... (n=19)
this is a freeform answer

7. I prefer documentation organized by... (n=24) Question Responses %
Provider. Each provider has their own chapter on a topic like "authentication" 16 66.7%
Topic. Each topic, like "authentication" highlights one or more providers. 7 29.2%
Other 1 4.2%

8. The Crossplane topic I've struggled with most is.... (n=21)
this is a freeform answer

9. Imma let you finish but the best docs of all time were.... (n=14)
this is a freeform answer

10. Anything else we should know? (n=11)
this is a freeform answer

Take Aways

Unfortunately the sample size was lower than hoped. Based on the Slack membership a 90% +/- 5% margin of error would require n≈250. With n=24 our margin of error is ~20%. There are trends in this data and it shouldn't be ignored, but it's important to be aware of the caveat that comes with such a low response rate.
