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merging of duplicate Alt/combo cards to raise the Grade. #230

Open DorkHelmet opened 1 year ago

DorkHelmet commented 1 year ago

Currently, if you awaken a card and it is a "C" it is mostly seen as a failure, which statistically are most awakens since the majority of all alts will be "C" grade.

A path should be provided for players to upgrade the grade of card.

I suggest the following: cards must be the same and awakened, and of the same Grade, e.g. C. this can cost some amount of trisel, I would suggest no more than half of the awaken cost.

example: merging two alt Solis Grade C cards would have a chance of like: 70% chance to create a at Solis Grade B 23% chance to create a at Solis Grade A 7% chance to create a at Solis Grade S

same way you could allow for two Grade B cards to be merged and have something like: 70% chance to create Grade A 30% chance to create Grade S

this would create a greater value for grade "C" cards, and players would feel there would still be a "use" for any grade "C" cards awakened.

The same principal could be applied to "Alt Combos" as well.

% are of course just suggestion/examples and can be further tweaked based on data.

Shin7-7 commented 1 year ago

It would be nice indeed! A path to compensate (bad) luck is always nice.

jeandat commented 1 year ago

It would also leverage a bit the game for people who spent "less money". After 1 primus and a neo (which is already a big big sum for a single game), I could only awaken 6 or 7 cards rare or less cause it's almost impossible without having bought a lot of neo chests to awaken a mythic or ultra rare card (partly also because of this damn foil cards which are useless and ugly). In the end, not a single B+ grade (only C). I can't imagine how much money people with big mythic cards have spent in the game. The game requires too much money right now.

PS: I would love a way to use the foil cards for merging, I will never be able to do anything with them. This is frustrating big time. Their ratio in primus and neo chest was way too high.