crotwell / pickax

Seismic phase picker
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Ability to host aggregated data in a shared location (i.e., server) #5

Open fordgeoscience opened 1 year ago

fordgeoscience commented 1 year ago is currently outputting pick files to a directory on our local machines. If Chase, Logan, and I are all going to be running this program locally, how will we eventually aggregate the resulting datasets?

Here is one idea: Does the department have a dedicated seismology server for which we could be granted write-access (to a specific directory only)? If so, perhaps could be modified to output our picks there at the end of each session. Further, if that process were in place, those files could also act as an input to the Import step. Instead of reloading data (from web services) and then appending our picks to the imported data, it could pull all of our picks from the server. The data on the server would essentially become the latest and greatest source of work to date.