crowbartools / Firebot

A powerful all-in-one bot for Twitch streamers
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Bot not connecting #88

Closed Bradymck closed 7 years ago

Bradymck commented 7 years ago

I managed to get the bot to connect when I first set up four different boards, now they won't connect. It simply says 'Waiting for the streamer to go interactive!' Never connects.

I tried 64 and 32 bit versions, tried removing and re-adding the O-auth app in Beam. Tried deleting user setting and even tried moving the folder to a new location on computer, then I tried a virtual machine to see if it was my computer, same result every time.

I also tried each board individually to see if a specific one was breaking it. The issues are all very inconsistent. So I also tried all this while running as admin and not running as admin.

Also, it seems to work when importing one of my boards when I start fresh, then when importing a second board it breaks and in top right the Chat and interactive buttons are green but the number in parentheses is (0) instead of (1)

itsjesski commented 7 years ago

Has this been a constant issue or is it just temporary? I've gotten increased reports of connectivity problems recently with the launch of the xbox app.

towe102 commented 7 years ago

ya i cant get the bot to connect as well error with robot handshake

Bradymck commented 7 years ago

It started last week and has been down since. I can do a fresh reinstall of a single board and it works first time but then it dies if I import a second board and I have to start from scratch again. Doing troubleshooting now to see if I notice any patterns or fixes.

itsjesski commented 7 years ago

There haven't been any changes to the bot (or beam interactive as far as I know) since last week. Not sure why it would suddenly start doing that, and this is the first report I've seen of it.

  1. Make sure your Beam page is set to interactive and you have the same board selected in Firebot as the one active on your channel. (rules out board mismatch)
  2. Make the second board by hand and see if that helps instead of using import. (rules out the import functionality)

@towe102 please make a separate thread as your issue doesn't seem to be the same.

Bradymck commented 7 years ago

Okay I figured a few things out after playing with this issue. It looks like it's on Beam's end due to a few inconsistencies with the JSON import. This is for a hotkey board for changing scenes in Xsplit.

When I create a single board it works great. When I create a second board it stops connecting when switching to the new board. When switching back to the first board it also stops working.

So I tried importing the JSON again and then I get an error saying (IIRC) the JSON is improperly formatted.

And after getting this error I can't get it to work until I create a new board on

IT works every time if I have one board and don't create a new one and try changing to it.

I guess I will wait for interactive 2.0 and see if this is fixed.

How to reproduce:

Create two separate boards at and two in Firebot, then import them, then activate one board, then deactivate interactive, switch to the second board in Firebot and then the activate interactive on Beam and select second board. At this point the bot will stop connecting.

How to fix:

Create a fresh board in and download afresh copy of Firebot. Import a single Board JSON. I'll add moreif I learn any workarounds or fixes so more than a single hotkey board can be used.

InhumAnts commented 7 years ago

umm its a bug on beams end not the bot when trying to enter interactive with a blank test board it endlessly loads saying waiting for streamer. I reported this to them and they said its a known issue, it just doesn't happen to everyone. I thought maybe I was trying to switch them too fast or maybe it was chrome but no it was just an issue I seemed to be having just like others who are new and just setting this stuff up

Hyperchucks commented 7 years ago

We being trying to figure it out as well. I have a friend that is using this bot as well and keeps reloading trying to reconnect. We re-downloaded the newest version and created a fresh interactive game on imported and connected the new board but its good for the first few minutes of the stream then it start disconnecting and reconnecting. Sometimes it says not responding.

Hyperchucks commented 7 years ago

Found a Work Around:

Apparently there is a working around. Firebot uses a lot of resources of your pc. So what we did was to raise the priority of resources of the application and it stopped disconnecting and trying to reconnect. It has being stabilized and its connected thru a long period of time as compared to before that it will rebuffered every couple of minutes. So under your task manager, on the application right click and choose "Go to Details", then right click the application again on the Details window and choose "Set Priority" and choose High. This will give priority to your Firebot assigning more resources to it.

Hope this help, happy stream.

InhumAnts commented 7 years ago

yeah I have no issues having the bot connect, its the switching of the boards, when BEAM gives the endless waiting to go interactive bug, it has nothing to do with the bot what your describing is a completely different issue, I'm glad you found a solution though. I will def be relaying to people to see if this helps them.

Only reason I say this is because even when your not running the bot but just want to check your layout on the screen it does that endless loop.... plus clicking go interactive on BEAM has NOTHING to do with firebot xD so idk why ppl keep saying they have a fix for an issue that's not related. Contact BEAM about it. Because its most likely a server issue when they have 100,000+ users making/deleting boards and a ton of people going interactive at the same time xD

not being rude just Stating Facts, Don't Blame the bot for something it has no control over.

Hyperchucks commented 7 years ago

I agree with you GamertaglsAnt, is not the bot. In our case it was that the pc of the streamer has very low cpu to use the resources. So I posted the solution above for people that have the same problem and they have low resources on their pc, this way it will prioritize the bot instead of other applications. If you have a good pc with tons of resources then the problem is coming from the devlab but we manage to fix the issue by just allocating resources to the bot itself on the task manager.

Good talk guys.