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[prometheus] Consider adding native support for `cs_lapi_decision` #3290

Open DuvelCorp opened 1 month ago

DuvelCorp commented 1 month ago

What happened?

Just installed Crowdsec for Caddy. Everything seems to work fine I triggered myself from a VPN IP an alert by scanning manually several sensitive files, and I got banned as expected :

tom@cerbere:/opt/crowdsec/config$ docker exec crowdsec cscli decisions list
|   ID  |  Source  |    Scope:Value   |               Reason               | Action | Country |                   AS                  | Events | expiration | Alert ID |
| 84721 | crowdsec | Ip: | crowdsecurity/http-sensitive-files | ban    | FR      | 39486 HostRoyale Technologies Pvt Ltd | 6      | 2h49m26s   | 8        |

tom@cerbere:/opt/crowdsec/config$ docker exec crowdsec cscli alerts list
| ID |       value      |               reason               | country |                   as                  | decisions |                created_at               |
| 8  | Ip: | crowdsecurity/http-sensitive-files | FR      | 39486 HostRoyale Technologies Pvt Ltd | ban:1     | 2024-10-19 16:04:34.205253523 +0000 UTC |

Prometheus seems to retrieve correctly most of crowdsec metrics :

image image

However I dont get any metric cs_lapi_decision According to me I should have received it as there is an active decision on-going. This prevent me to add a list of banned IPs and their Geomap in Grafana, which probably the most important information.

Is there something I missed?

What did you expect to happen?

Get metric data cs_lapi_decision

How can we reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible)?

I dont know

Anything else we need to know?

No response

Crowdsec version

```console version: v1.6.3-4851945a Codename: alphaga BuildDate: 2024-09-12_09:39:08 GoVersion: 1.22.6 Platform: docker libre2: C++ User-Agent: crowdsec/v1.6.3-4851945a-docker Constraint_parser: >= 1.0, <= 3.0 Constraint_scenario: >= 1.0, <= 3.0 Constraint_api: v1 Constraint_acquis: >= 1.0, < 2.0 ```

OS version

```console # On Linux: $ cat /etc/os-release # paste output here $ uname -a # paste output here # On Windows: C:\> wmic os get Caption, Version, BuildNumber, OSArchitecture # paste output here ```

Enabled collections and parsers

```console $ cscli hub list -o raw # paste output here ```

Acquisition config

```console # On Linux: $ cat /etc/crowdsec/acquis.yaml /etc/crowdsec/acquis.d/* # paste output here # On Windows: C:\> Get-Content C:\ProgramData\CrowdSec\config\acquis.yaml # paste output here

Config show

```console $ cscli config show # paste output here ```

Prometheus metrics

```console $ cscli metrics # paste output here ```

Related custom configs versions (if applicable) : notification plugins, custom scenarios, parsers etc.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

@DuvelCorp: Thanks for opening an issue, it is currently awaiting triage.

In the meantime, you can:

  1. Check Crowdsec Documentation to see if your issue can be self resolved.
  2. You can also join our Discord.
  3. Check Releases to make sure your agent is on the latest version.
Details I am a bot created to help the [crowdsecurity]( developers manage community feedback and contributions. You can check out my [manifest file]( to understand my behavior and what I can do. If you want to use this for your project, you can check out the [BirthdayResearch/oss-governance-bot]( repository.
DuvelCorp commented 1 month ago


After a few days, my lapi and caddy/crowdsec seems to work fine. I've got real alerts :


Some of my grafana dashboards works perfectly:






But, still : other dashboard that are supposed to report the IPs banned and their geoloc are not working because I am missing some cs_lapi metrics.

This all what I have : image

And thus I am missing a part of those listed in this doc :

Local API cs_lapi_route_requests_total : number of calls to each route per method cs_lapi_machine_requests_total : number of calls to each route per method grouped by machines cs_lapi_bouncer_requests_total : number of calls to each route per method grouped by bouncers cs_lapi_decisions_ko_total : number of unsuccessfully responses when bouncers ask for an IP. cs_lapi_decisions_ok_total : number of successfully responses when bouncers ask for an

Any hint please

LaurenceJJones commented 1 month ago

Hey 👋🏻

We dont provide the actual decisions (ip address and geo location data) via the Prometheus endpoint we only provide metrics about counts (EG: scenarios has trigger X times).

Thing to note is Prometheus will only expose metrics it has counts for so the list you provided has some:

cs_lapi_route_requests_total : number of calls to each route per method
cs_lapi_machine_requests_total : number of calls to each route per method grouped by machines

However I dont see the ones below:

cs_lapi_bouncer_requests_total : number of calls to each route per method grouped by bouncers
cs_lapi_decisions_ko_total : number of unsuccessfully responses when bouncers ask for an IP.
cs_lapi_decisions_ok_total : number of successfully responses when bouncers ask for an IP.

So the question is do you have a remediation component (bouncers) interfacing with this machine LAPI?

DuvelCorp commented 1 month ago

@LaurenceJJones Thank you for your answer.

If that was not clear I obviously have a bouncer embedded in Caddy using custom built image this

But now that you state that you dont expose this metric I have understood my mistake

I imported this dashboard in Grafana : And I didnt read the doc correctly. They use a VictoriaMetrics component between Crowdsec and prometheus to enrich crowdsec metrics with notably Geoip, and they label it "_cs_lapidecision" :

    "metric": {
        "__name__": "cs_lapi_decision",
        "instance": "host00.domain.tld",
        "country": "SG",
        "asname": "Tencent Building, Kejizhongyi Avenue",
        "asnumber": "132203",
        "latitude": "1.2868",
        "longitude": "103.8503",
        "iprange": "",
        "scenario": "crowdsecurity/ssh-slow-bf",
        "type": "ban",
        "duration": "4h",
        "scope": "Ip",
        "ip": ""
    "values": [1],
    "timestamps": [1723013301000]

My mistake was that seing the name, I had expected that this was coming directly from Crowdsec metrics. Sorry for the useless bug report :-)

On a side note, its a bit over killing to setup an additional metric component like Victoria to enrich and serve that information, considering that all data needed, including Maxmind GeoIP, is already available in Crowdsec LAPI. So I hope you will consider to add that kind of metrics at some point, as it is extremely helpful... and you can turn my bug report into a feature request !