crowdsecurity / cs-firewall-bouncer

Crowdsec bouncer written in golang for firewalls
MIT License
120 stars 43 forks source link

Alpine Linux / OpenRC support? #185

Open FireMasterK opened 2 years ago

FireMasterK commented 2 years ago

I get the following logs:

cat: can't open '/etc/system-release': No such file or directory
Distribution is not supported, exiting.
Ikke commented 2 years ago

FYI, there is a package available in edge/testing:

FYN-Michiel commented 2 years ago

Gentoo has the same issue, installing crowdsec itself works without any issues.

-edit- Simply removing the check_pkg_manager() function from the script will make it work. Could we just detect the required commands/packages for non supported os'es here?