crowlogic / arb4j

arb4j is a Java API for the arbitrary precision ball arithmetic library found at
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Revisit the Wheeler DeWitt equation #526

Closed crowlogic closed 1 month ago

crowlogic commented 1 month ago

Revisit Cosmic time dilation idea in light of the idea that the universe is a measurement with a corresponding eigen space which is a eigenstates of the Wheeler DeWitt super space hamiltonian and that the index corresponds to the root of the Hardy Z function under the action of The hyperbolic tangent of the logarithm of 1 + alpha times x squared and where the standard model parameters are determined by the torsion and curvature induced by the conformally transformed Hardy Z function where alpha is a time like perimeter which is where the problem of time is resolved because the wheeler Dewitt super space is a pure space space it has no time and thus time must emerge some way and this is the actual natural way to do it because when alpha equals zero the roots maintain their statuses having zero volume as alpha increases the point turns into a hourglass shape whose real part follows the linenscape of Bernoulli and the imaginary part is hyperbolas and thus as alpha goes from 0 to infinity the corresponding hourglass shape goes from a minimum point of zero volume to a maximum point of finite volume where the exact volume is dependent upon the precise way that the curvature and the twisting impacts the volume of the resulting manifolds

crowlogic commented 1 month ago

The standard model parameters specifically would be related to the geometry that dictates what they call the standard model in the universe that we actually live in and not the abstract wave function which is somehow different from the actual wave function

crowlogic commented 1 month ago

Not dictate per se but correspond to in the sense that you would look it up in a dictionary and it gives you the value you plug that value in you retro dip the perimeters retrodict and this gives a likelihood score a way to compare integers to see which ones are relatively more likely to be our universe versus not and then we might get lucky and have one stand out above the rest Who knows but that's how the universe actually works I'm sure of it and this note is to remind myself to prove it and to collect the notes on the topic okay why The hyperbolic tangent of the logarithm of 1 + alpha times x squared it just is it might just be the coordinate system transformation that makes this obvious

crowlogic commented 1 month ago
