crownstone / crownstone-microapp

Crownstone microapp. Contains several examples and library to communicate with bluenet.
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microapp_target_symbols.ld not updated upon change of TARGET_CONFIG_FILE in Makefile #9

Closed martijnvandermarel closed 2 years ago

martijnvandermarel commented 2 years ago

Reproduce bug

  1. Change TARGET_CONFIG_FILE in Makefile (e.g., change from to
  2. make clean
  3. make
  4. cat include/microapp_target_symbols.ld

Expected behaviour

The values in include/microapp_target_symbols.ld are expected to be updated based on the new TARGET_CONFIG_FILE.

Current behaviour

The values in include/microapp_target_symbols.ld are not updated and instead keep their old values.

mrquincle commented 2 years ago

Current workaround is rm include/microapp_target_symbols.ld, but will look into it. That target should be regenerated when this variable changes.