croxton / Stash

Stash allows you to stash text and snippets of code for reuse throughout your templates.
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Security issue with cache poisoning #149

Closed akolinski closed 7 years ago

akolinski commented 7 years ago

When viewing which variables are created when using the {exp:stash:cache} tag within Mustash you can create URIs that return a page (e.g. when using {last_segment} to select the entry) so it doesn't return a 404 but isn't a correctly formed URI e.g. correct path =, incorrect but working For each unique URI a cache entry is created in the database.

Even when using context and name parameters, rather than @URI it appears to generate a cache entry because the URI is different.

{exp:stash:cache bundle="mybundle" context="the_context" name="{last_segment}" refresh="1440" parse_stage="both"}

This appears to create an attack vector for filling a database server with bogus cache entries.

You can fix this with a patch to line 2668 within mod.stash.php. I've also created a pull request

$this->EE->TMPL->tagparams['context'] = $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('context', '@URI');

Happy to discuss further 👍

croxton commented 7 years ago

The cache can indeed be bloated by malformed or malicious urls, however it is not the job of a caching layer to police the routes into an application. You should ensure that non-valid urls always return a 404 response.

This can be handled in EE templates:

{!-- no results --}
{if no_results}

{!-- additional segments --}
{if segment_4}

But I highly recommend using Resource Router to define and validate known routes:

'blog/:url_title' => function($router, $wildcard) {
   // valid blog entry (channel 2)?
   if ($wildcard->isValidUrlTitle(array('channel_id' => 2))) {

      // route to template

// any other rules here

// send any other non-matching routes to 404
'.*' => function($router) {

If you want to specify a specific name and context for a full-page cache you can use {exp:stash:set}:


  // stuff to cache


Please see the resource router and caching sections of this presentation for further guidance: