crs4 / DigitalPathologyPlatform

CRS4 Digital Pathology Platform
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Annotation tools - suggestions #102

Open OskarAspegren opened 3 years ago

OskarAspegren commented 3 years ago

Many nice annotation tools are available in QuPath. Especially brush tool and wand tool with both additive and subtractive functions (by pressing Alt-key). These two tools are very useful in tissue detection and border control, e.g. using wand tool on different magnifications with different thresholds. QuPath also has a nice anti-overlapping annotation feature (I think pressing Alt+Control) which aligns annotations without crossing/overlapping.

OskarAspegren commented 3 years ago

Keyboard shortcuts would be great, for example

OskarAspegren commented 3 years ago

Display of magnification values is helpful when reviewing cytological features

OskarAspegren commented 3 years ago

If fixed magnification values, for example 4x, 10x, 20x and 40x (pyramids) are possible to integrate in the software, I think that would be great. That way the scrolling wheel on the mouse could be used to go up and down at set magnifications. I believe this speeds up the diagnostic work.