crsh / citr

RStudio Addin to Insert Markdown Citations
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Allow bibtype "Document" to be read by citr #82

Closed goergen95 closed 3 years ago

goergen95 commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the great work. It is a really useful package! I have some difficulties citing datasets though. When I use Zotero to automatically read in a dataset based on the DOI it gets the item type Document from Zotero. When I am loading my library with citr in my R session I am getting the message:

Ignoring entry '<BibTex key>'  (line1851) because:
    ‘bibtype’ has to be one of Article, Book, MVBook, InBook, BookInBook, SuppBook, Booklet, Collection, MVCollection, InCollection, SuppCollection, Manual, Misc, Online, Patent, Periodical, SuppPeriodical, Proceedings, MVProceedings, InProceedings, Reference, MVReference, InReference, Report, Set, Thesis, Unpublished, XData, Customa, Customb, Customc, Customd, Custome, Customf, Conference, Electronic, MastersThesis, PhdThesis, TechReport, Www, Artwork, Audio, BibNote, Commentary, Image, Jurisdiction, Legislation, Legal, Letter, Movie, Music, Performance, Review, Software, Standard, Video

I then have to manually change the item type to something that citr will accept. Sometimes this can also lead to loss of information in the citation, e.g. when the publisher field gets deleted if I change the type to Journal Article for example.

I wonder if this issue is on the side of citr. If it is I would argue that the item type Document should be supported. Maybe I am missing something and I can easily use one of the existing types. However, since Zotero will read in such datasets as "Document" this would at least require manually changing the type before loading the library with citr.

crsh commented 3 years ago

Hi Darius, have you tried switching to BibLaTeX in the settings of the addin? I don't think @document is a valid BibTeX entry type.

goergen95 commented 3 years ago

Hi! Thanks for the quick answer which led me to find the solution. It's funny though because it seems to be the other way around. Now that I have chosen BibTex there seems to be no problem reading the @document type. BibLaTex on the other hand does not seem to know this type. Thanks a lot! You saved my day!

crsh commented 3 years ago

Hah, thanks for letting me konw. Glad I could help!