I spent some time downloading the latest database and trying to extract files from D.C.5-Da Capo 5~, but I found that it still cannot be decrypted (even if I have already selected D.C.5-Da Capo 5~in GARbro)
I spent some time downloading the latest database and trying to extract files from D.C.5-Da Capo 5~, but I found that it still cannot be decrypted (even if I have already selected D.C.5-Da Capo 5~in GARbro)
Download Link:https://stuqhnueducn-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/cuiyue4703_stu_qhnu_edu_cn/EQq-JMGTcG9EpFd0D6_YLn4BC0ow9tPsgX82JEeNW5lKeA?e=8s9Yg6 Password:0721
VNDB:https://vndb.org/v36687 Developer:CIRCUS Engine:krkr The zipped files are encrypted. I would like to request that you decrypt it.