crstn / CISC

Population projection code.
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More issues with GRUMP data #4

Closed crstn closed 8 years ago

crstn commented 8 years ago

I'm just writing this down so that we don't forget it: I just saw that GRUMP urban extents layer does not cover exactly the same area as the population numbers and country boundaries layers. The latter two have the following extent:

ncols         43200
nrows         17160
xllcorner     -180
yllcorner     -58
cellsize      0.0083333333333

The urban extents layer:

ncols         43200
nrows         16800
xllcorner     -180
yllcorner     -56.000000000004
cellsize      0.00833333

... so the area is smaller in North-South direction. I have solved this by clipping the other two layers to the same size:

gdaltindex clipper.shp glurextents.asc
gdalwarp -cutline clipper.shp -crop_to_cutline gluntlbnds.asc gluntlbnds-clipped.tif 
gdalwarp -cutline clipper.shp -crop_to_cutline glup00ag.asc glup00ag-clipped.tif