crtahlin / medplot

Functions for drawing graphs in R visualizing medical information.
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Graphical exploration: time #102

Closed llaarraa closed 10 years ago

llaarraa commented 10 years ago

In demo data: if I select to analyze data as binary variables the lasagna plots obtained from numerical variables are displayed.

llaarraa commented 10 years ago

I would put as default /first/ choice boxplots (or something that displays more quickly than profile plots).

crtahlin commented 10 years ago

Made the first choice some graphs that plot relatively quickly.

Updated the code to take into account binary variables. But then I noticed, that the binary graphs are always the same, regardless of the set threshold. Looking into it...

crtahlin commented 10 years ago

Terrible bug - for some reason the new plots with the new set threshold are not loaded in browser (although they are saved to disk). Maybe because the timestamp of the files does not change (why doesn't it?). It was confusing, because the screen goes blank while waiting for the plots - and I was sure it loads the new ones. But apparantly it has the old ones cached... :( I rewrote the code for the graphs, thinking it was something wrong with the data.

Anyway, I have a couple of ideas, that I will trey later (deleting the graphs each time? although we don't wat that either...)

crtahlin commented 10 years ago

Fixed. Tempfiles with graphs are put into /www/temp directory, which is purged when shiny server starts (it cannot be purged right after graph generation, since the graphs then don't load into the browser). This works relatively OK, although some files on my machine are currently "locked" and cannot be deleted. But that will probably go away with system restart.

The filenames are now random, increasing security and bypassing the problem of another user loading the same graph is the app is used concurently. It think this is an acceptable solution, because the graphs do not contain any patient identifiable information and the filenames cannot be guessed.

I also changed the legend when plotting binary vars to display only two levels.