crucialwebstudio / chargify-sdk-php

Chargify SDK for PHP
Apache License 2.0
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Any reason why Guzzle version is hard coded? #16

Closed petersuhm closed 7 years ago

petersuhm commented 7 years ago

Just noticed that the Guzzle version for your SDK is hard coded, which means I can't use it with the AWS SDK...

Any specific reasons for this?


dan-bowen commented 7 years ago


We like to lock down dependencies to specific versions to protect from inadvertently introducing bugs when the upstream dependency introduces a backwards incompatible change. If the upstream dependency correctly follows semver then this shouldn't be a problem but I have definitely seen other projects claim to follow semver yet introduce backwards incompatible changes with a point release. It really depends on the quality of the upstream project so we were very conservative with our approach.

I realize the hard-coded Guzzle version has been a problem for some users so it has been removed with release 0.1.2. Our composer.json has been updated to "guzzlehttp/guzzle": "^6.0" so you should now be able to use any point release of Guzzle 6 in your project.