cruffenach / CRToast

A modern iOS toast view that can fit your notification needs
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Solved: Subtitle text not showing #233

Open mmdock opened 6 years ago

mmdock commented 6 years ago

Testing to try to get subtitles in the notification, but it simple will not appear. The following is my options array:

var options:[String:Any] = [kCRToastTextKey: "Morgan: ", kCRToastBackgroundColorKey: UIColor.herGrey, kCRToastTextColorKey: UIColor.herBlack, kCRToastNotificationTypeKey: NSNumber(value: CRToastType.navigationBar.rawValue), kCRToastFontKey: UIFont.herMediumFont(ofSize:16), kCRToastTextAlignmentKey:NSNumber(value: NSTextAlignment.left.rawValue),kCRToastSubtitleTextAlignmentKey: NSNumber(value: NSTextAlignment.left.rawValue), kCRToastSubtitleTextKey: "Hey girl heyyyy", kCRToastSubtitleFontKey: UIFont.herLightFont(ofSize:16), kCRToastSubtitleTextMaxNumberOfLinesKey: 1]

Here is what I see:

screen shot 2018-07-16 at 10 25 50 am

This is on iPhone 8 Plus, iOS 11.4.

Is it possible I am missing something ?