cruise-automation / daytona

A Vault client, but for containers and servers.
Apache License 2.0
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Can’t write env variable for single secret key, if not also written to file #99

Closed jonnylangefeld closed 1 year ago

jonnylangefeld commented 1 year ago

When following the docs to write a single secret it is written to use


If one would only like to get env variables and not write a secret to a file, one would expect to not set DAYTONA_SECRET_DESTINATION_THING, and set SECRET_ENV='true'.

However, that doesn't work because the condition that wraps the case to write a single secret expects a destination path:

massenz commented 1 year ago

Furthermore, it seems that it is not possible to store the secret in an "arbitrarily" named env var, the secret key is always used. In the example above, we cannot store api_key in a TOKEN_API env var.

This is probably "expected behavior" (if one reads the README 3 or 4 times, while experimenting) but it's somewhat limiting:

└─( TOKEN_PATH=~/.vault-token \
VAULT_SECRET_PGUSER=secret/whatever/thing \
daytona -k8s-auth -k8s-auth-mount="..." \
-address https://vault:8200 \
-secret-env -entrypoint -- env | grep -i user

{"level":"info","applicationName":"daytona","key":"VAULT_VALUE_KEY_PGUSER","value":"value","time":"2023-03-31T10:53:22-07:00","message":"Found an explicit vault value key, will read this value key instead of using the default"}

{"level":"info","applicationName":"daytona","var":"USER","time":"2023-03-31T10:53:22-07:00","message":"Set env var"}



while one would wish to have instead a PGUSER env var to be set.

jonnylangefeld commented 1 year ago

@massenz it looks like since your comment is a separate issue to the initially described bug in this issue @broamski is suggesting to tackle you comment in a separate issue. So I think it makes sense to file it as new one.

massenz commented 1 year ago

Thanks - turns out this had already been reported in #41 (I have added my comment there) but given that one has been sitting for 3 years, I'm assuming it's not going to happen.