cruise-automation / webviz

web-based visualization libraries
Apache License 2.0
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webviz cannot display TEXT_VIEW_FACING marker correctly #700

Open kingcansky opened 2 years ago

kingcansky commented 2 years ago

I find that webviz cannot display TEXT_VIEW_FACING markers correctly even tf marker displayed in a wrong position, as picture below:


Actually, base_link tf is in the center of white box. And the position of base_link should be the id of line. I'v used Rviz to preview and Rviz displayed like this:


Every line has its id and base_link in the right position. Then I clicked the "base_link" text, the id "2" shows and "base_link" slips to another line:


I suppose something wrong here, please check and reply.

Thx very much!

kingcansky commented 2 years ago

BTW, if I closed text_marker, the tf_marker would display in "last tf position", which means if I remain base_link and then click "nothing" tf(I suppose a tf in (10, 0, 0)), all tf_markers will display in "base_link" position; and if remain "nothing" and then click "base_link", all display in "nothing" position reversely. Like pic:



jtbandes commented 2 years ago

Hi there – I would recommend that you try out Foxglove Studio; we've recently done a lot of work to improve handling of TF frames (including TF interpolation) and you might have better luck there. If you have further questions you can join our Slack.

kingcansky commented 2 years ago

Hi there – I would recommend that you try out Foxglove Studio; we've recently done a lot of work to improve handling of TF frames (including TF interpolation) and you might have better luck there. If you have further questions you can join our Slack.

LOL we may try it then