cruise-automation / webviz

web-based visualization libraries
Apache License 2.0
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Errors when bootstraping the app #761

Open girardHU opened 1 year ago

girardHU commented 1 year ago


I'm trying to run the npm run bootstrap command after pulling the repo's master branch. I get the error Fix the upstream dependency conflict. I manage to partially solve it by dividing the command in two, with npm install --legacy-peer-deps wich runs successfully. But when I run the second part of the command : lerna bootstrap --hoist \"{react,react-dom}\" -- --legacy-peer-deps I get the same error Fix the upstream dependency conflict even though the flag --legacy-peer-deps is here... I do not know what to do... Can anyone help ?

I linked the error logs from the last command, if it can help debugging.

Thanks, Best regards, HU


jtbandes commented 1 year ago

This project has not received much maintenance lately. I'd recommend that you check out instead.