cruise-automation / webviz

web-based visualization libraries
Apache License 2.0
2.01k stars 408 forks source link

Wrong Numeric Interpretation: how to fix? #772

Open mauringo opened 8 months ago

mauringo commented 8 months ago


I am porting this app for a demo to ctrlX AUTOMATION from sources the app and works great and can also be hosted directly by the device.

The problem is that when i am asking for numeric values the app doesn't parse correctly the numbers. and i don't know why. I leave two pics here to show you the problem. I am using Humble and rosbridge, any other ros node is able to see the data correctly

2023-11-05_21h02_59 2023-11-05_21h03_20

jtbandes commented 8 months ago

Hi, Webviz does not support ROS 2, only ROS 1. Please try out which supports ROS 2 and is actively maintained.