cruizperez / MicrobeAnnotator

Pipeline for metabolic annotation of microbial genomes
Artistic License 2.0
140 stars 28 forks source link

Building DB #21

Open eddykay310 opened 3 years ago

eddykay310 commented 3 years ago


I would like to find out if there was a way to continue download the databases without starting from scratch every time. Also I can't seem to finish downloading the Trembl database (stops during the download) and I can't get aspera to work though it says the installation is complete.

######################### Installing IBM Aspera Connect

Deploying IBM Aspera Connect (/home/eddy_k/.aspera/connect) for the current user only. Unable to register protocol handler, IBM Aspera Connect won't be able to auto-launch Unable to update desktop database, IBM Aspera Connect may not be able to auto-launch

Install complete.

cruizperez commented 3 years ago

Hi @eddykay310 Although we have implemented steps to download individual databases only (refseq, swissprot or trembl), we do not have an option to resume a stopped download. When you refer to a stop during download does it give any particular error message? For aspera, could you give some details on your OS and if you can run aspera by itself from the command line? Thanks!

eddykay310 commented 3 years ago

Hi @cruizperez

Thanks for the response. So when I say continue, I mean that in my case I am able to download kofam and swissprot but when I get to trembl it takes a while and sometimes stops during the download with no error (just stuck). So I wanted to find out if there was a way to continue downloading other databases rather than starting afresh. The only thing asked by the program is in the overwriting of existing files.. For aspera, I am using the WSL in windows. I thought it didn't install properly but the prefetch command in the sra toolkit was able to use it to download sequence files.
