crycode-de / ioBroker.ds18b20

ioBroker adapter for DS18B20 1-wire temperature sensors
MIT License
5 stars 8 forks source link

"remote system not connected" OR "no answer from remote system"; #107

Closed andreaskoerber closed 1 year ago

andreaskoerber commented 1 year ago

When booting the remote system (a raspberry pi 2b) with a running ds18b20 adapter, it logs temperatures (from 12 waterbook-cabled ds18b20) just ONCE and then starts to produce errorr messages of no response from the remote system resp. the latter not being connected. It IS connetcted, however Idenfiing remote systems does identify it and I can log onto it from remote. Another re-boot again yields ONE reading.

I have re-cabled all sensors and the remote-system into a distribution box, and also re-build a new LAN-socket there (using a keystone module). Since I can log onto the system and work there ok, I don't beleive that to be the issue, though.

Any ideas? Is there a way to test the remote-systems connection? Is there a way to get more concrete error messages?

Thanks in advance

crycode-de commented 1 year ago

If a remote system is connected, it should be listed in the adapter configuration page as "Connected remote systems".

If you enable debug logs for the adapter instance, you will get a log entry like "socket connect" when something (maybe a remote client) connects. If a remote system is successfully connected, a message "Remote system XXX connected from XXX" will be logged as info. Also when a connection is lost, this will be logged as "Remote system XXX disconnected".

Did you setup the systemd service for the remote client correctly? Whats the output of systemctl status iobroker-ds18b20-remote.service and journalctl -u iobroker-ds18b20-remote.service -n 100 --no-pager?

andreaskoerber commented 1 year ago

Hm this is courious. The Adapter lists the remote service, but the loses it. systemctl status iobroker-ds18b20-remote.service yields "Unit iobroker-ds18b20-remote.service could not be found." and the joudnal is empty.

The setup of the system is unchanged. I only changed the wiring, but used the same remote system and main raspberry, w.o any changes.

After a reboot of the remote system, it all works ONCE, then breaks down again.

andreaskoerber commented 1 year ago

I applied the setup given in the adapter again.

wget -O remote-client-setup.js --no-check-certificate


`--2022-12-04 20:12:35-- Verbindungsaufbau zu ... verbunden. WARNUNG: Dem Zertifikat von ▒▒ wird nicht vertraut. WARNUNG: Das Zertifikat von ▒▒▒▒ hat keinen bekannten Austeller. Der Zertifikat-Eigent▒mer passt nicht zum Hostname ▒▒. HTTP-Anforderung gesendet, auf Antwort wird gewartet ... 302 Found Platz: /index.html?login&href=%2Fadapter%2Fds18b20%2Fremote-client-setup.js [folgend] --2022-12-04 20:12:35-- Wiederverwendung der bestehenden Verbindung zu HTTP-Anforderung gesendet, auf Antwort wird gewartet ... 200 OK L▒nge: 2595 (2,5K) [text/html] Wird in ▒remote-client-setup.js▒ gespeichert.

remote-client-setup.js 100%[==============================================>] 2,53K --.-KB/s in 0s

2022-12-04 20:12:35 (6,11 MB/s) - ▒remote-client-setup.js▒ gespeichert [2595/2595] `

Can it be the certificate-problem (which is new to me; it all worked before).

andreaskoerber commented 1 year ago

node remote-client-setup.js

yields an error:

`/home/pi/ds18b20-remote/remote-client-setup.js:1 <!doctype html>Admin


SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<' at Object.compileFunction (node:vm:360:18) at wrapSafe (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1088:15) at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1123:27) at Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1213:10) at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1037:32) at Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:878:12) at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (node:internal/modules/run_main:81:12) at node:internal/main/run_main_module:23:47

Node.js v18.12.1 `

andreaskoerber commented 1 year ago

It isn't the raspi itself, either. I exvhanged it wirth another one i I had (2B v.2.2 - even newer), and the situation is the same. The adapter lists the remote system, but the log file even starts with read errors (not connected / no response) There is no log of connecting. Still a first value is read before it does not work.

andreaskoerber commented 1 year ago

Is it possible that the rmote does no longer run as a service?

andreaskoerber commented 1 year ago

I now re-executed:

sudo cp iobroker-ds18b20-remote.service /etc/systemd/system/iobroker-ds18b20-remote.service sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl enable iobroker-ds18b20-remote.service sudo systemctl start iobroker-ds18b20-remote.service

But the problem persists.

andreaskoerber commented 1 year ago

Nun gibt das Log auf dem remote

-- Journal begins at Sat 2022-11-19 22:17:02 CET, ends at Sun 2022-12-04 21:31:56 CET. -- Nov 19 22:35:57 temperaturraspi systemd[1]: Started ioBroker.ds18b20 remote client. Nov 19 22:35:59 temperaturraspi node[385]: - ioBroker.ds18b20 remote client - Nov 19 22:36:00 temperaturraspi node[385]: [Info] Connecting to ... Nov 19 22:36:00 temperaturraspi node[385]: [Warn] Socket error: Error: connect ENETUNREACH - Local ( Nov 19 22:36:00 temperaturraspi node[385]: [Info] Reconnect in 30 seconds Nov 19 22:36:00 temperaturraspi node[385]: [Info] Socket closed Nov 19 23:29:00 temperaturraspi node[385]: [Info] Connecting to ... Nov 19 23:29:00 temperaturraspi node[385]: [Info] Connected with adapter Nov 19 23:29:00 temperaturraspi node[385]: [Info] Sending client info to the adapter Nov 19 23:29:01 temperaturraspi node[385]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-062018056e11/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 19 23:29:01 temperaturraspi node[385]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-012212b8303c/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 19 23:29:11 temperaturraspi node[385]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-062018056e11/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 19 23:29:11 temperaturraspi node[385]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-012212b8303c/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 19 23:29:21 temperaturraspi node[385]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-062018056e11/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 19 23:29:21 temperaturraspi node[385]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-012212b8303c/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 19 23:29:31 temperaturraspi node[385]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-062018056e11/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 19 23:29:31 temperaturraspi node[385]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-012212b8303c/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 19 23:29:41 temperaturraspi node[385]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-062018056e11/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 19 23:29:41 temperaturraspi node[385]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-012212b8303c/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 19 23:29:51 temperaturraspi node[385]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-062018056e11/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 19 23:29:51 temperaturraspi node[385]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-012212b8303c/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 19 23:30:01 temperaturraspi node[385]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-062018056e11/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 19 23:30:01 temperaturraspi node[385]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-012212b8303c/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 19 23:30:11 temperaturraspi node[385]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-062018056e11/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 19 23:30:11 temperaturraspi node[385]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-012212b8303c/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 19 23:30:21 temperaturraspi node[385]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-062018056e11/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 19 23:30:21 temperaturraspi node[385]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-012212b8303c/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 19 23:30:31 temperaturraspi node[385]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-062018056e11/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 19 23:30:31 temperaturraspi node[385]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-012212b8303c/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 19 23:30:41 temperaturraspi node[385]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-062018056e11/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 19 23:30:41 temperaturraspi node[385]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-012212b8303c/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 19 23:30:51 temperaturraspi node[385]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-062018056e11/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 19 23:30:51 temperaturraspi node[385]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-012212b8303c/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 19 23:31:01 temperaturraspi node[385]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-062018056e11/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 19 23:31:01 temperaturraspi node[385]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-012212b8303c/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 19 23:31:11 temperaturraspi node[385]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-062018056e11/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 19 23:31:11 temperaturraspi node[385]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-012212b8303c/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 19 23:31:21 temperaturraspi node[385]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-062018056e11/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 19 23:31:21 temperaturraspi node[385]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-012212b8303c/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 19 23:31:31 temperaturraspi node[385]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-062018056e11/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 19 23:31:31 temperaturraspi node[385]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-012212b8303c/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 19 23:31:41 temperaturraspi node[385]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-062018056e11/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 19 23:31:41 temperaturraspi node[385]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-012212b8303c/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil>

andreaskoerber commented 1 year ago

Again, on reboot sensors were read, but curiously not all of them.

andreaskoerber commented 1 year ago

Nun gibt der Statuscheck:

sudo systemctl status iobroker-ds18b20-remote.service

Dez 04 21:52:16 temperaturraspi systemd[1]: Started ioBroker.ds18b20 remote client. Dez 04 21:52:18 temperaturraspi node[478]: - ioBroker.ds18b20 remote client - Dez 04 21:52:19 temperaturraspi node[478]: [Info] Connecting to ... Dez 04 21:52:19 temperaturraspi node[478]: [Warn] Socket error: Error: connect ENETUNREACH - Local ( Dez 04 21:52:19 temperaturraspi node[478]: [Info] Reconnect in 30 seconds Dez 04 21:52:19 temperaturraspi node[478]: [Info] Socket closed

Nur kurz danach:

iobroker-ds18b20-remote.service - ioBroker.ds18b20 remote client Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/iobroker-ds18b20-remote.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (running) since Sun 2022-12-04 21:52:16 CET; 1min 51s ago Docs: Main PID: 478 (node) Tasks: 11 (limit: 1596) CPU: 5.373s CGroup: /system.slice/iobroker-ds18b20-remote.service `-478 /usr/bin/node /home/pi/ds18b20-remote-client.js

Dez 04 21:53:36 temperaturraspi node[478]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-062018056e11/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Dez 04 21:53:36 temperaturraspi node[478]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-062017f1b859/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Dez 04 21:53:36 temperaturraspi node[478]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-3c25e3812f82/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Dez 04 21:53:36 temperaturraspi node[478]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-3ccfe38142b0/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Dez 04 21:53:36 temperaturraspi node[478]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-00000002400d/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Dez 04 21:53:36 temperaturraspi node[478]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-062017fe1767/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Dez 04 21:53:36 temperaturraspi node[478]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-062018056e11/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Dez 04 21:53:36 temperaturraspi node[478]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-062017f1b859/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Dez 04 21:53:36 temperaturraspi node[478]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-3c25e3812f82/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Dez 04 21:53:36 temperaturraspi node[478]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-3ccfe38142b0/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil>

andreaskoerber commented 1 year ago

Und der Log:

sudo journalctl -u iobroker-ds18b20-remote.service Journal file /var/log/journal/002452ddcded42ecb3a7232c98f82307/system@0005eeef9f643bfb-5b9ed1a1e0f288d1.journal~ is truncated, ignoring file. -- Journal begins at Sun 2022-11-20 11:17:01 CET, ends at Sun 2022-12-04 21:54:59 CET. -- Nov 20 11:35:37 temperaturraspi systemd[1]: Started ioBroker.ds18b20 remote client. Nov 20 11:35:40 temperaturraspi node[386]: - ioBroker.ds18b20 remote client - Nov 20 11:35:40 temperaturraspi node[386]: [Info] Connecting to ... Nov 20 11:35:40 temperaturraspi node[386]: [Warn] Socket error: Error: connect ENETUNREACH - Local ( Nov 20 11:35:40 temperaturraspi node[386]: [Info] Reconnect in 30 seconds Nov 20 11:35:40 temperaturraspi node[386]: [Info] Socket closed Nov 20 12:50:13 temperaturraspi node[386]: [Info] Connecting to ... Nov 20 12:50:13 temperaturraspi node[386]: [Info] Connected with adapter Nov 20 12:50:13 temperaturraspi node[386]: [Info] Sending client info to the adapter Nov 20 12:50:13 temperaturraspi node[386]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-012212b8303c/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 20 12:50:24 temperaturraspi node[386]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-012212b8303c/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 20 12:50:34 temperaturraspi node[386]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-012212b8303c/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 20 12:50:43 temperaturraspi node[386]: [Info] Socket closed Nov 20 12:50:43 temperaturraspi node[386]: [Info] Reconnect in 30 seconds Nov 20 12:51:13 temperaturraspi node[386]: [Info] Connecting to ... Nov 20 12:51:13 temperaturraspi node[386]: [Info] Connected with adapter Nov 20 12:51:13 temperaturraspi node[386]: [Info] Sending client info to the adapter Nov 20 12:51:18 temperaturraspi node[386]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-012212b8303c/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 20 12:51:28 temperaturraspi node[386]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-012212b8303c/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 20 12:51:39 temperaturraspi node[386]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-012212b8303c/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 20 12:51:49 temperaturraspi node[386]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-012212b8303c/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 20 12:51:59 temperaturraspi node[386]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-012212b8303c/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 20 12:52:09 temperaturraspi node[386]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-012212b8303c/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 20 12:52:19 temperaturraspi node[386]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-012212b8303c/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 20 12:52:29 temperaturraspi node[386]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-012212b8303c/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 20 12:52:39 temperaturraspi node[386]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-012212b8303c/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 20 12:52:49 temperaturraspi node[386]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-012212b8303c/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 20 12:52:59 temperaturraspi node[386]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-012212b8303c/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 20 12:53:09 temperaturraspi node[386]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-012212b8303c/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 20 12:53:19 temperaturraspi node[386]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-012212b8303c/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 20 12:53:29 temperaturraspi node[386]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-012212b8303c/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 20 12:53:39 temperaturraspi node[386]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-012212b8303c/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 20 12:53:49 temperaturraspi node[386]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-012212b8303c/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 20 12:53:59 temperaturraspi node[386]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-012212b8303c/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 20 12:54:09 temperaturraspi node[386]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-012212b8303c/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 20 12:54:18 temperaturraspi node[386]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-012212b8303c/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 20 12:54:29 temperaturraspi node[386]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-012212b8303c/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 20 12:54:39 temperaturraspi node[386]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-012212b8303c/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 20 12:54:49 temperaturraspi node[386]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-012212b8303c/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 20 12:54:59 temperaturraspi node[386]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-012212b8303c/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 20 12:55:09 temperaturraspi node[386]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-012212b8303c/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 20 12:55:19 temperaturraspi node[386]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-012212b8303c/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil> Nov 20 12:55:29 temperaturraspi node[386]: [Warn] Read from file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-012212b8303c/w1_slave failed! Error: ENOENT: no such fil>

crycode-de commented 1 year ago

The remote client setup has some issues, when you have auth enabled in admin. See issue #105. As a workaround you may disable auth temporary (not recommended) or load the setup script directly from GitHub here.

First your systemd service was not installed and thus the client could not start automatically on system boot.

The warnings in your last log report that the sensor with address 28-012212b8303c ist not connect to the system or the 1-wire bus is not set up correctly. If the sensor is attached to the system, there should be a file /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-012212b8303c/w1_slave and you should be able to read the data manually using cat /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-012212b8303c/w1_slave in a terminal.

You may also check which devices are known by the kernel by executing ls -l /sys/bus/w1/devices/ in a terminal. This will list all sensors the kernel knows.

andreaskoerber commented 1 year ago

Thanks, I have to check this. What is curious, though, is that the system WAS waorking for weeks before and nothing on the system was changed, only the external wiring. When I then changed the raspberry, I used to OLD SD-Card. So the system Was installed, including the service, and somehow stopped.

andreaskoerber commented 1 year ago

OK, thanks. "ls -l /sys/bus/w1/devices/" yields

insgesamt 0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 4. Dez 21:53 28-012212b4bdca -> ../../../devices/w1_bus_master2/28-012212b4bdca lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 4. Dez 21:53 28-012212b8303c -> ../../../devices/w1_bus_master2/28-012212b8303c lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 4. Dez 21:53 28-0620181c6e58 -> ../../../devices/w1_bus_master2/28-0620181c6e58 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 4. Dez 21:53 28-3c5df649bd65 -> ../../../devices/w1_bus_master2/28-3c5df649bd65 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 4. Dez 21:53 28-3cc2f64915c2 -> ../../../devices/w1_bus_master2/28-3cc2f64915c2 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 4. Dez 21:52 w1_bus_master1 -> ../../../devices/w1_bus_master1 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 4. Dez 21:52 w1_bus_master2 -> ../../../devices/w1_bus_master2


pi@temperaturraspi:~ $ cd /sys/bus/w1/devices pi@temperaturraspi:/sys/bus/w1/devices $ ls 28-012212b4bdca 28-012212b8303c 28-0620181c6e58 28-3c5df649bd65 28-3cc2f64915c2 w1_bus_master1 w1_bus_master2 pi@temperaturraspi:/sys/bus/w1/devices $ cd w1_bus_master2 pi@temperaturraspi:/sys/bus/w1/devices/w1_bus_master2 $ ls 28-012212b4bdca 28-3cc2f64915c2 therm_bulk_read w1_master_max_slave_count w1_master_remove w1_master_timeout 28-012212b8303c driver uevent w1_master_name w1_master_search w1_master_timeout_us 28-0620181c6e58 power w1_master_add w1_master_pointer w1_master_slave_count 28-3c5df649bd65 subsystem w1_master_attempts w1_master_pullup w1_master_slaves pi@temperaturraspi:/sys/bus/w1/devices/w1_bus_master2 $ cd .. pi@temperaturraspi:/sys/bus/w1/devices $ cd w1_bus_master1 pi@temperaturraspi:/sys/bus/w1/devices/w1_bus_master1 $ ls driver uevent w1_master_max_slave_count w1_master_pullup w1_master_slave_count w1_master_timeout_us power w1_master_add w1_master_name w1_master_remove w1_master_slaves subsystem w1_master_attempts w1_master_pointer w1_master_search w1_master_timeout

So I wonder: It might be that I regrouped the sensors differently when reconnceting (which of them are at pin 4 and which an pin 17).

303c is there, but there may of course indeed be a physical misconnection.

Would it do to

  1. re-connect ...303c (or better even: re-group all, so that sensors belonging together are grouped together at least)
  2. stop the service
  3. delete the directory /sys/bus/w1/devices with all subdirectories
  4. re-run the setup?

Thx in advance.

andreaskoerber commented 1 year ago

One more question in this context: The list of sensors in the adapter's instance: If nor sorted "by hand": By what criterion are they listed there? Is it the adaptor's number? Is it pre-grouped by master and sorted withn? I can't test right now, for mine is sorted. Thanks in advance

crycode-de commented 1 year ago

All connected sensors will be listed in /sys/bus/w1/devices/, no matter at wich bus master they are.

Don't delete anything in /sys/bus/w1/devices/ by hand! This is all managed by the kernel. Disconnected sensors will disappear automatically after some time or in system reboot.

The setup of the adapter or remote client has nothing to do with the sensor files, so you don't need to re-run the setup. The adapter/remote client only reads from the files.

If the sensors in the adapter instance are not sorted by hand, they will be sorted by the address or the order in which they were added. But the order is only some cosmetic thing and not related to any functionality.

andreaskoerber commented 1 year ago

This seems not to be the case. I have 12 sensors connected, in two groups connected via 2 GPIOs (4 and 17). 8 are listed unde /sys/bus/w1/devices. OK, some may be not properly connected or broken. But after detaching a whole set of then (6 being connected via a common GPIO) and a reboot, still the same 8 (!) are listed in /sys/bus/w1/devices. I could have been only 6! So I doubt that list is up to date at all!

andreaskoerber commented 1 year ago

After disconnecting the other group of 6, still 3 are listed!

crycode-de commented 1 year ago

Sounds strange... maybe look at the kernel logs (sudo dmesg -T) for 1wire related messages.

You may try (without any warranty) to delete the whole w1 path (sudo rm -rf /sys/bus/w1) and then reboot the Raspi. The kernel should then re-create all paths. If this doesn't work, disable 1-wire in /boot/config.txt, reboot, delete possibly remaining files/dirs as above, re-enable 1-wire and reboot again.

andreaskoerber commented 1 year ago

So I re-wired everything. Some sensons have been exchanged. All are displayed by /sys/bus/w1/devices

However, the adapter-instance still finds the OLD ones, with their OLD names.

andreaskoerber commented 1 year ago

Hm tried to disable 1wire. Then to remove the directory:

sudo rm -rf /sys/bus/w1 rm: das Entfernen von '/sys/bus/w1/drivers_probe' ist nicht m▒glich: Die Operation ist nicht erlaubt


andreaskoerber commented 1 year ago

It is despairing. I re-acivated 1wire, and deleted the instance in iobroker, set up a new one, with a new crypt key into .env. Re-installed the service, as above. re-booted. Now the new instance won't connect the remote-server, now.

andreaskoerber commented 1 year ago

pi@temperaturraspi:~ $ journalctl -u iobroker-ds18b20-remote.service -n 100 --no-pager Journal file /var/log/journal/002452ddcded42ecb3a7232c98f82307/system@0005eeef9f643bfb-5b9ed1a1e0f288d1.journal~ is truncated, ignoring file. -- Journal begins at Tue 2022-11-22 19:17:01 CET, ends at Fri 2022-12-09 21:03:43 CET. -- Dez 09 20:56:11 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Socket closed Dez 09 20:56:11 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Reconnect in 30 seconds Dez 09 20:56:41 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Connecting to ... Dez 09 20:56:41 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Connected with adapter Dez 09 20:56:41 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Warn] Decrypt of data failed! Error: error:1C800064:Provider routines::bad decrypt Dez 09 20:56:41 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Socket closed Dez 09 20:56:41 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Reconnect in 30 seconds Dez 09 20:57:11 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Connecting to ... Dez 09 20:57:11 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Connected with adapter Dez 09 20:57:11 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Warn] Decrypt of data failed! Error: error:1C800064:Provider routines::bad decrypt Dez 09 20:57:11 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Socket closed Dez 09 20:57:11 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Reconnect in 30 seconds Dez 09 20:57:41 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Connecting to ... Dez 09 20:57:41 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Connected with adapter Dez 09 20:57:41 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Warn] Decrypt of data failed! Error: error:1C800064:Provider routines::bad decrypt Dez 09 20:57:41 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Socket closed Dez 09 20:57:41 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Reconnect in 30 seconds Dez 09 20:57:51 temperaturraspi systemd[1]: Stopping ioBroker.ds18b20 remote client... Dez 09 20:57:51 temperaturraspi systemd[1]: iobroker-ds18b20-remote.service: Succeeded. Dez 09 20:57:51 temperaturraspi systemd[1]: Stopped ioBroker.ds18b20 remote client. Dez 09 20:57:51 temperaturraspi systemd[1]: iobroker-ds18b20-remote.service: Consumed 1.155s CPU time. -- Boot 4ea51dd310d44f4486de394a2b337836 -- Dez 09 20:57:58 temperaturraspi systemd[1]: Started ioBroker.ds18b20 remote client. Dez 09 20:58:01 temperaturraspi node[485]: - ioBroker.ds18b20 remote client - Dez 09 20:58:01 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Debug] read DEBUG=1 from .env file Dez 09 20:58:01 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Debug] read W1_DEVICES_PATH=/sys/bus/w1/devices from .env file Dez 09 20:58:01 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Debug] systemId temperaturraspi Dez 09 20:58:01 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Debug] adapterPort 1820 Dez 09 20:58:01 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Debug] adapterHost Dez 09 20:58:01 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Debug] adapterKey <Buffer 29 eb c3 44 c9 fc aa 7d e6 68 cd 59 24 e0 a6 c1 3f 45 f8 94 5e 28 89 87 bd 1b 44 d1 22 0d 46 65> Dez 09 20:58:01 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Debug] w1DevicesPath /sys/bus/w1/devices Dez 09 20:58:01 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Connecting to ... Dez 09 20:58:01 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Warn] Socket error: Error: connect ENETUNREACH - Local ( Dez 09 20:58:01 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Debug] Error: connect ENETUNREACH - Local ( Dez 09 20:58:01 temperaturraspi node[485]: at internalConnect (node:net:1053:16) Dez 09 20:58:01 temperaturraspi node[485]: at defaultTriggerAsyncIdScope (node:internal/async_hooks:464:18) Dez 09 20:58:01 temperaturraspi node[485]: at node:net:1156:9 Dez 09 20:58:01 temperaturraspi node[485]: at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:77:11) { Dez 09 20:58:01 temperaturraspi node[485]: errno: -101, Dez 09 20:58:01 temperaturraspi node[485]: code: 'ENETUNREACH', Dez 09 20:58:01 temperaturraspi node[485]: syscall: 'connect', Dez 09 20:58:01 temperaturraspi node[485]: address: '', Dez 09 20:58:01 temperaturraspi node[485]: port: 1820 Dez 09 20:58:01 temperaturraspi node[485]: } Dez 09 20:58:01 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Reconnect in 30 seconds Dez 09 20:58:01 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Socket closed Dez 09 20:58:43 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Connecting to ... Dez 09 20:58:43 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Connected with adapter Dez 09 20:58:43 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Warn] Decrypt of data failed! Error: error:1C800064:Provider routines::bad decrypt Dez 09 20:58:43 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Socket closed Dez 09 20:58:43 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Reconnect in 30 seconds Dez 09 20:59:13 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Connecting to ... Dez 09 20:59:13 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Connected with adapter Dez 09 20:59:13 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Warn] Decrypt of data failed! Error: error:1C800064:Provider routines::bad decrypt Dez 09 20:59:13 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Socket closed Dez 09 20:59:13 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Reconnect in 30 seconds Dez 09 20:59:43 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Connecting to ... Dez 09 20:59:43 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Connected with adapter Dez 09 20:59:43 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Warn] Decrypt of data failed! Error: error:1C800064:Provider routines::bad decrypt Dez 09 20:59:43 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Socket closed Dez 09 20:59:43 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Reconnect in 30 seconds Dez 09 21:00:13 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Connecting to ... Dez 09 21:00:13 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Connected with adapter Dez 09 21:00:13 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Warn] Decrypt of data failed! Error: error:1C800064:Provider routines::bad decrypt Dez 09 21:00:13 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Socket closed Dez 09 21:00:13 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Reconnect in 30 seconds Dez 09 21:00:43 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Connecting to ... Dez 09 21:00:43 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Connected with adapter Dez 09 21:00:43 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Warn] Decrypt of data failed! Error: error:1C800064:Provider routines::bad decrypt Dez 09 21:00:43 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Socket closed Dez 09 21:00:43 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Reconnect in 30 seconds Dez 09 21:01:13 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Connecting to ... Dez 09 21:01:13 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Connected with adapter Dez 09 21:01:13 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Warn] Decrypt of data failed! Error: error:1C800064:Provider routines::bad decrypt Dez 09 21:01:13 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Socket closed Dez 09 21:01:13 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Reconnect in 30 seconds Dez 09 21:01:43 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Connecting to ... Dez 09 21:01:43 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Connected with adapter Dez 09 21:01:43 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Warn] Decrypt of data failed! Error: error:1C800064:Provider routines::bad decrypt Dez 09 21:01:43 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Socket closed Dez 09 21:01:43 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Reconnect in 30 seconds Dez 09 21:02:13 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Connecting to ... Dez 09 21:02:13 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Connected with adapter Dez 09 21:02:13 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Warn] Decrypt of data failed! Error: error:1C800064:Provider routines::bad decrypt Dez 09 21:02:13 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Socket closed Dez 09 21:02:13 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Reconnect in 30 seconds Dez 09 21:02:43 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Connecting to ... Dez 09 21:02:43 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Connected with adapter Dez 09 21:02:43 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Warn] Decrypt of data failed! Error: error:1C800064:Provider routines::bad decrypt Dez 09 21:02:43 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Socket closed Dez 09 21:02:43 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Reconnect in 30 seconds Dez 09 21:03:13 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Connecting to ... Dez 09 21:03:13 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Connected with adapter Dez 09 21:03:13 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Warn] Decrypt of data failed! Error: error:1C800064:Provider routines::bad decrypt Dez 09 21:03:13 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Socket closed Dez 09 21:03:13 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Reconnect in 30 seconds Dez 09 21:03:43 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Connecting to ... Dez 09 21:03:43 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Connected with adapter Dez 09 21:03:43 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Warn] Decrypt of data failed! Error: error:1C800064:Provider routines::bad decrypt Dez 09 21:03:43 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Socket closed Dez 09 21:03:43 temperaturraspi node[485]: [Info] Reconnect in 30 seconds

Was sind diese ENETUNREACH und die 1C800064-Fehler?

andreaskoerber commented 1 year ago

OK, I deleted the /ds18b20-remote directory and re-installed everything as given in the adapter. Again I get at the last step (node ...)

/home/pi/ds18b20-remote/remote-client-setup.js:1 <!doctype html>Admin


SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<' at Object.compileFunction (node:vm:360:18) at wrapSafe (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1088:15) at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1123:27) at Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1213:10) at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1037:32) at Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:878:12) at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (node:internal/modules/run_main:81:12) at node:internal/main/run_main_module:23:47

Node.js v18.12.1

What is this "unexpected token"??

andreaskoerber commented 1 year ago

??? It worked for three days, still producing the one or other error. Now it's broken down again.

All sensors are present according to /sys/bus/w1/devices. But the remote system is not recognized. Nothing changed since.

"systemctl status iobroker-ds18b20-remote.service" now yields

Dez 11 12:32:09 temperaturraspi systemd[1]: iobroker-ds18b20-remote.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE Dez 11 12:32:09 temperaturraspi systemd[1]: iobroker-ds18b20-remote.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'. Dez 11 12:32:09 temperaturraspi systemd[1]: iobroker-ds18b20-remote.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 5. Dez 11 12:32:09 temperaturraspi systemd[1]: Stopped ioBroker.ds18b20 remote client. Dez 11 12:32:09 temperaturraspi systemd[1]: iobroker-ds18b20-remote.service: Start request repeated too quickly. Dez 11 12:32:09 temperaturraspi systemd[1]: iobroker-ds18b20-remote.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'. Dez 11 12:32:09 temperaturraspi systemd[1]: Failed to start ioBroker.ds18b20 remote client.

andreaskoerber commented 1 year ago

Nach sudo cp iobroker-ds18b20-remote.service /etc/systemd/system/iobroker-ds18b20-remote.service sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl enable iobroker-ds18b20-remote.service sudo systemctl start iobroker-ds18b20-remote.service

geht es ein paar Sekunden. Dann ergibt "systemctl status iobroker-ds18b20-remote.service":

Dez 11 12:46:54 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759214609, address: '28-062017fe1767' } Dez 11 12:46:54 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759214613, address: '28-062017f1b859' } Dez 11 12:46:54 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759214617, address: '28-012212b4bdca' } Dez 11 12:46:54 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759214624, address: '28-012212b8303c' } Dez 11 12:46:54 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759214629, address: '28-0620181c6e58' } Dez 11 12:46:54 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759214640, address: '28-062017fde388' } Dez 11 12:46:54 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759214651, address: '28-3c50f64995df' } Dez 11 12:46:54 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759214653, address: '28-3c68f6498fbb' } Dez 11 12:46:54 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759214655, address: '28-00000002400d' } Dez 11 12:46:54 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759214670, address: '28-3c27f6498941' } Dez 11 12:46:54 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759214681, address: '28-3cc2f64915c2' } Dez 11 12:46:54 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759214691, address: '28-3ccfe38142b0' }

andreaskoerber commented 1 year ago

EInige Sensoren haben letzte Werte von heute morgen um 8:22, andere um 12:42.

Das ist nicht völlig der Gruppierung in 2x 6 an unterschiedlichen GPIOs entsprechend. Die meisten der zweiten Gruppe fehlen, aber nicht alle.

andreaskoerber commented 1 year ago

journalctl -u iobroker-ds18b20-remote.service -n 100 --no-pager


Journal file /var/log/journal/002452ddcded42ecb3a7232c98f82307/system@0005eeef9f643bfb-5b9ed1a1e0f288d1.journal~ is truncated, ignorin g file. -- Journal begins at Sat 2022-12-03 10:17:01 CET, ends at Sun 2022-12-11 12:52:34 CET. -- Dez 11 12:52:26 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759546787, address: '28-00000002400d' } Dez 11 12:52:26 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759546791, address: '28-3c27f6498941' } Dez 11 12:52:26 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759546793, address: '28-3cc2f64915c2' } Dez 11 12:52:26 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759546803, address: '28-3ccfe38142b0' } Dez 11 12:52:27 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759547760, address: '28-062017fe1767' } Dez 11 12:52:27 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759547762, address: '28-062017f1b859' } Dez 11 12:52:27 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759547770, address: '28-012212b4bdca' } Dez 11 12:52:27 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759547772, address: '28-012212b8303c' } Dez 11 12:52:27 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759547776, address: '28-0620181c6e58' } Dez 11 12:52:27 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759547777, address: '28-062017fde388' } Dez 11 12:52:27 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759547779, address: '28-3c50f64995df' } Dez 11 12:52:27 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759547784, address: '28-3c68f6498fbb' } Dez 11 12:52:27 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759547788, address: '28-00000002400d' } Dez 11 12:52:27 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759547790, address: '28-3c27f6498941' } Dez 11 12:52:27 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759547794, address: '28-3cc2f64915c2' } Dez 11 12:52:27 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759547803, address: '28-3ccfe38142b0' } Dez 11 12:52:28 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759548761, address: '28-062017fe1767' } Dez 11 12:52:28 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759548762, address: '28-062017f1b859' } Dez 11 12:52:28 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759548769, address: '28-012212b4bdca' } Dez 11 12:52:28 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759548771, address: '28-012212b8303c' } Dez 11 12:52:28 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759548776, address: '28-0620181c6e58' } Dez 11 12:52:28 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759548778, address: '28-062017fde388' } Dez 11 12:52:28 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759548779, address: '28-3c50f64995df' } Dez 11 12:52:28 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759548783, address: '28-3c68f6498fbb' } Dez 11 12:52:28 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759548789, address: '28-00000002400d' } Dez 11 12:52:28 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759548791, address: '28-3c27f6498941' } Dez 11 12:52:28 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759548794, address: '28-3cc2f64915c2' } Dez 11 12:52:28 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759548803, address: '28-3ccfe38142b0' } Dez 11 12:52:29 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759549763, address: '28-062017fe1767' } Dez 11 12:52:29 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759549764, address: '28-062017f1b859' } Dez 11 12:52:29 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759549769, address: '28-012212b4bdca' } Dez 11 12:52:29 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759549772, address: '28-012212b8303c' } Dez 11 12:52:29 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759549776, address: '28-0620181c6e58' } Dez 11 12:52:29 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759549780, address: '28-062017fde388' } Dez 11 12:52:29 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759549780, address: '28-3c50f64995df' } Dez 11 12:52:29 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759549784, address: '28-3c68f6498fbb' } Dez 11 12:52:29 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759549789, address: '28-00000002400d' } Dez 11 12:52:29 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759549793, address: '28-3c27f6498941' } Dez 11 12:52:29 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759549795, address: '28-3cc2f64915c2' } Dez 11 12:52:29 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759549804, address: '28-3ccfe38142b0' } Dez 11 12:52:30 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759550762, address: '28-062017fe1767' } Dez 11 12:52:30 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759550764, address: '28-062017f1b859' } Dez 11 12:52:30 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759550770, address: '28-012212b4bdca' } Dez 11 12:52:30 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759550772, address: '28-012212b8303c' } Dez 11 12:52:30 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759550777, address: '28-0620181c6e58' } Dez 11 12:52:30 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759550780, address: '28-062017fde388' } Dez 11 12:52:30 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759550780, address: '28-3c50f64995df' } Dez 11 12:52:30 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759550785, address: '28-3c68f6498fbb' } Dez 11 12:52:30 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759550790, address: '28-00000002400d' } Dez 11 12:52:30 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759550792, address: '28-3c27f6498941' } Dez 11 12:52:30 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759550796, address: '28-3cc2f64915c2' } Dez 11 12:52:30 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759550805, address: '28-3ccfe38142b0' } Dez 11 12:52:31 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759551762, address: '28-062017fe1767' } Dez 11 12:52:31 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759551764, address: '28-062017f1b859' } Dez 11 12:52:31 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759551770, address: '28-012212b4bdca' } Dez 11 12:52:31 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759551772, address: '28-012212b8303c' } Dez 11 12:52:31 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759551777, address: '28-0620181c6e58' } Dez 11 12:52:31 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759551779, address: '28-062017fde388' } Dez 11 12:52:31 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759551780, address: '28-3c50f64995df' } Dez 11 12:52:31 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759551785, address: '28-3c68f6498fbb' } Dez 11 12:52:31 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759551791, address: '28-00000002400d' } Dez 11 12:52:31 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759551793, address: '28-3c27f6498941' } Dez 11 12:52:31 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759551796, address: '28-3cc2f64915c2' } Dez 11 12:52:31 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759551804, address: '28-3ccfe38142b0' } Dez 11 12:52:32 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759552762, address: '28-062017fe1767' } Dez 11 12:52:32 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759552765, address: '28-062017f1b859' } Dez 11 12:52:32 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759552770, address: '28-012212b4bdca' } Dez 11 12:52:32 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759552772, address: '28-012212b8303c' } Dez 11 12:52:32 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759552777, address: '28-0620181c6e58' } Dez 11 12:52:32 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759552780, address: '28-062017fde388' } Dez 11 12:52:32 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759552781, address: '28-3c50f64995df' } Dez 11 12:52:32 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759552785, address: '28-3c68f6498fbb' } Dez 11 12:52:32 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759552790, address: '28-00000002400d' } Dez 11 12:52:32 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759552794, address: '28-3c27f6498941' } Dez 11 12:52:32 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759552796, address: '28-3cc2f64915c2' } Dez 11 12:52:32 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759552804, address: '28-3ccfe38142b0' } Dez 11 12:52:33 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759553762, address: '28-062017fe1767' } Dez 11 12:52:33 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759553764, address: '28-062017f1b859' } Dez 11 12:52:33 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759553771, address: '28-012212b4bdca' } Dez 11 12:52:33 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759553773, address: '28-012212b8303c' } Dez 11 12:52:33 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759553777, address: '28-0620181c6e58' } Dez 11 12:52:33 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759553780, address: '28-062017fde388' } Dez 11 12:52:33 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759553781, address: '28-3c50f64995df' } Dez 11 12:52:33 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759553786, address: '28-3c68f6498fbb' } Dez 11 12:52:33 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759553790, address: '28-00000002400d' } Dez 11 12:52:33 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759553793, address: '28-3c27f6498941' } Dez 11 12:52:33 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759553797, address: '28-3cc2f64915c2' } Dez 11 12:52:33 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759553804, address: '28-3ccfe38142b0' } Dez 11 12:52:34 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759554764, address: '28-062017fe1767' } Dez 11 12:52:34 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759554767, address: '28-062017f1b859' } Dez 11 12:52:34 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759554771, address: '28-012212b4bdca' } Dez 11 12:52:34 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759554773, address: '28-012212b8303c' } Dez 11 12:52:34 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759554777, address: '28-0620181c6e58' } Dez 11 12:52:34 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759554781, address: '28-062017fde388' } Dez 11 12:52:34 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759554783, address: '28-3c50f64995df' } Dez 11 12:52:34 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759554786, address: '28-3c68f6498fbb' } Dez 11 12:52:34 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759554791, address: '28-00000002400d' } Dez 11 12:52:34 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759554794, address: '28-3c27f6498941' } Dez 11 12:52:34 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759554798, address: '28-3cc2f64915c2' } Dez 11 12:52:34 temperaturraspi node[992]: [Debug] message from adapter: { cmd: 'read', ts: 1670759554805, address: '28-3ccfe38142b0'

andreaskoerber commented 1 year ago

It seems to have sth to to with the read interval. I reduced the value to 1000 msec this morning, then some of the sensors seem to have stopped. Setting them to 10000 started them again, but not all of them. (!!) Is there any rule for adjusting/aligning them?

andreaskoerber commented 1 year ago

Einige Sensoren scheinen zudem irrige Werte auszugeben: grafik Ich habe bei Fernwärmezulauf (Wert um 70 °C) plötzlich negative Werte in entsprechender Höhe. ... und dann sofort wieder positive Werte außerhalb der möglichen Range (+127 °C und so).

Es werden auch immer noch read errors vom Adapter ausgegeben:

ds18b20.0 | 2022-12-11 13:34:31.017 | warn | Error reading sensor 28-3cc2f64915c2: Error: Read error -- | -- | -- | -- ds18b20.0 | 2022-12-11 13:34:30.817 | warn | Error reading sensor 28-3ccfe38142b0: Error: Read error ds18b20.0 | 2022-12-11 13:34:30.619 | warn | Error reading sensor 28-00000002400d: Error: Read error ds18b20.0 | 2022-12-11 13:34:30.422 | warn | Error reading sensor 28-3c27f6498941: Error: Read error ds18b20.0 | 2022-12-11 13:34:30.419 | warn | Error reading sensor 28-3c68f6498fbb: Error: Read error ds18b20.0 | 2022-12-11 13:34:28.458 | warn | Error reading sensor 28-012212b4bdca: Error: No temperature read ds18b20.0 | 2022-12-11 13:34:11.016 | warn | Error reading sensor 28-3cc2f64915c2: Error: Read error ds18b20.0 | 2022-12-11 13:34:10.819 | warn | Error reading sensor 28-3ccfe38142b0: Error: Read error ds18b20.0 | 2022-12-11 13:34:10.617 | warn | Error reading sensor 28-00000002400d: Error: Read error ds18b20.0 | 2022-12-11 13:34:10.431 | warn | Error reading sensor 28-012212b4bdca: Error: No temperature read
andreaskoerber commented 1 year ago

Überlegung: Momentan sind für beide 6er Gruppen 2x 4,7 kOhm parallel zwischen ACC und 3,3V geschaltet, also 2,350 kOhm (weil ich gerade diese Widerstände mehrfach da hatte). Ein paar davon habe ich nich. Soll/kann man je einen dritten dazu schalten =1,5 kOhm)?

crycode-de commented 1 year ago

Das sieht mir doch ganz nach Problemen mit deiner Hardware aus. Der Adapter kann ja nur lesen, was im System da ist.

1000ms (1s) Intervall ist bei 6 Sensoren an einem Strang definitiv zu gering. Die Conversion Time eines Sensors ist laut Datenblatt 750ms. Bei 6 Sensoren würde ich nicht öfter als 6x750ms = 4500ms lesen, besser noch seltener.

Einen dritten Widerstand parallel zu schalten kannst du versuchen. Testweise vlt. auch mal mit weniger Sensoren an einem Strang versuchen. Die Spannungsversorgung der Sensoren hast du +5V? Eigentlich sollen die auch noch mit +3,3V laufen, aber damit hatte ich öfters auch Probleme. Wichtig: Die Datenleitung auf keinen Fall auf +5V ziehen, da dies den Raspi beschädigen könnte.

andreaskoerber commented 1 year ago

Danke. Dass das Intervall solchen Einfluss haben kann, war mir nicht bewusst. Der eine Semsor (der mit den Extremwerten) arbeitet nun wieder bei Anfrageinterval 60000 msec. Ein weiterer immer noch nicht. Nein, Datenleitung auf 5V ist natürlich nicht geschaltet.

crycode-de commented 1 year ago

Ich schließe den Issue mal als gelöst. Falls es doch noch Probleme gibt, gerne wieder öffnen.